Hi everyone, it's been a long time coming, but I'm finally looking at buying a tripod.
My camera is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ 72, looking for something not too expensive (as in less than £100), but equally not crap and suitable for being out and about.
£100 will get you a damn good one. I've had 3 or 4 over the years, and I find that they invariably give way at the leg joints eventually, whether you spent lots of money on it or not. If you'll only be using it to supplement handheld photography in low light, there's no need to spend that much. Just make sure you don't buy a Velbon as I'm 90% certain mine's made from pig iron
A Tripod is a sound investment.
You can spend hundreds getting Carbon fibre etc. But its probably overkill;
A Manfrotto tripod with ball & socket, and quick release for those useful quick handheld shots, for around £60; And is fit for purpose
I've had my Manfrotto Compact for 5 years now; it's beaten and missing feet, but it's been down innumerable mines, drains and derps, been to Paris, Barcelona and Berlin and supportred some hefty weights, it's small enough to fit into my backpack for sleazyjet carry on. It's still my only tripod and I use it for all my photography. ^^^click me (amazon link)^^^