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Information - - Typhoo Tea Factory Birmingham - June 2023 | Industrial Sites |

Information - Typhoo Tea Factory Birmingham - June 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
(as of 12/06/23)

This isn't a usual explore report but rather a notice for anyone looking to go to the Typhoo Tea Factory in Birmingham. After heading there earlier today, my friends and I discovered that the building is starting to be demolished, with heavy machinery, workers on site, and walls knocked down, it was impossible to have went in at the time. Walking up to the building we saw smoke and dust covering the street and heard saws going at it within.

I'm not sure as to whether the building is being repurposed or just straight up demolished, but the signs say its a demo and there's barely any work been done to it as of when we went, so if you're looking to hit this building I'd do it now while it's still fairly untouched and early into the process. If anyone does, good luck.

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