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Report - - Typhoo Tea Factory - Birmingham - October 2018 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Typhoo Tea Factory - Birmingham - October 2018


Camera Drowner
Regular User
First stop off of the day of me and @Brewtal's day trip to Brum. The facilities were great, even had on-site parking.


The Typhoo Tea Factory was founded by John Summer in 1903. The factory was used for tea production from the 1930's, surviving bombing during WW2. Typhoo merged with Schweppes in 1968 and the following year merged with Cadbury to form Cadbury Scweppes. The factory eventually closed in 1978. There was talk to turn the former factory into a new university campus due to a £14 million government grant as part of what they called 'project iSTEAMHouse'. It's been two years since that was reported and nothing has happened yet.

The Explore

This is one that a lot Midland explorers have visited at some-point and has been reported on numerous times. Neither the less, I quite enjoyed this admittedly rather bare and trashed former factory shell.
Prior to our visit to Birmingham I'd heard it was doable, so it was worth a look at least, as it seems access comes and goes.


The rather handy on-site carpark. Don't get this for many derps!



















We were just finishing taking photos when we heard a loud grinding noise from the back of the building. There were two guys cutting a hole in the brick wall opposite. A slightly more radical method to get access to a derp for sure.


Luke vaughan

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wow still accessible then last I knew it was being demod or something as they were doing work on back of it last time I went


28DL Member
28DL Member
I was in the Tea Factory just last week with a friend, shortly after entering we heard voices around the entrance and decided we would leave. Just by our entrance we found four homeless people doing heroin and quickly hurried past them and exited. After hovering around the premises for about 10 minutes we saw them leave and decided to go back in. We made it to the 1st floor and began to hear very loud banging as if someone was trying to break something, it was obvious that it was not the wind so we decided to leave again. I do intend to go back but with more people for safety reasons.

Luke vaughan

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was in the Tea Factory just last week with a friend, shortly after entering we heard voices around the entrance and decided we would leave. Just by our entrance we found four homeless people doing heroin and quickly hurried past them and exited. After hovering around the premises for about 10 minutes we saw them leave and decided to go back in. We made it to the 1st floor and began to hear very loud banging as if someone was trying to break something, it was obvious that it was not the wind so we decided to leave again. I do intend to go back but with more people for safety reasons.
Yes there are homeless in few buildings so be careful


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went in a couple of weeks ago after numerous failed attempts in the past to find some random homeless bloke smashing up the toilets and taking (presumably) copper from everywhere. He asked me if I was police (mate, I'm stood here holding a camera). Be cautious in there.


Camera Drowner
Regular User
Weirdly when we went we saw no-one else. Although it was one of few explores I elected to bring my big powerful maglite sized torch.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Was here at the weekend just gone, didn't run into any druggies but met three other groups inside - a couple of adults with young kids, a trio of teenage girls and a group of proper explorers (hello if you're reading this!)

All groups were really nice, I've not met so many people in a location at once since Coombe Park.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Ik this post is old but I just wanna let you know that a user by @sachkappa on Instagram has stolen one of your photos and said it was their own and not given any credit


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Ik this post is old but I just wanna let you know that a user by @sachkappa on Instagram has stolen one of your photos and said it was their own and not given any credit

Highly likely it won't be the only stolen image on their page either.


Camera Drowner
Regular User
Looks like it's been taken down now. Cheers for the heads up though! Yeah it wouldn't surprise me if all those photos were stolen.

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