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Report - Underground Tunnels/Bunkers Portsmouth

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
We recently explored the surrounding area here, as it is MOD property there are some strange rules. It seems to be fine to walk through, but the person who told us about this place said if you stand around too long some military police show up and move you on.

The areas circled are X2 entrances to very long/largew underground tunnels/bunkers from WW2. Nearby there are several tunnels and cave systems one of which was used for a WW2 radio station in the 30's & 40's.

Just wondering if anyone has been here yet?



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That's a shame - I went to the underground fuel depot built in t the faces of the chalk cliffs recently - that's a must see!


Hilariously under-equipped since 1999.
28DL Full Member
The place is locked up for now. But I tell you, it ain't gonna be closed forever.
Although you can get permission visits to the bunker UCAP Airsoft uses if you call the guy who owns the place.
Also, what recent fuel depot is this?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It’s built into the hill itself - it’s a fuel depot/radio station can’t seem to find anything anywhere that’s actualky accurate!

I only have a pic of the entrance in my phone, but it’s HUGE!



Camera Drowner
Regular User
Interesting? Don't know about this one. Is it near the other fuel depot?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This was taken at the weekend just gone, there this entrance which goes about 20m deep and then there’s a sharp right hand turn and another tunnel about the same length with different turn offs and passageways!

There’s about 5 unsealed tunnels all in all and with a bit of area knowledge they’re easily accessible


28DL Member
28DL Member
This was taken at the weekend just gone, there this entrance which goes about 20m deep and then there’s a sharp right hand turn and another tunnel about the same length with different turn offs and passageways!

There’s about 5 unsealed tunnels all in all and with a bit of area knowledge they’re easily accessible
Is that leading into the fuel depot? Or the radio station in the chalkpit?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just down the road from the old ww2 communications in the chalk tunnels there is this place which I believe was used as a shelter for up to 2000 people during the bombings in Portsmouth during ww2. Took these photos myself. It's very tight getting in and there's a lot of people who live right next to the entrance so you gotta be quick and quiet getting in and out!



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Just down the road from the old ww2 communications in the chalk tunnels there is this place which I believe was used as a shelter for up to 2000 people during the bombings in Portsmouth during ww2. Took these photos myself. It's very tight getting in and there's a lot of people who live right next to the entrance so you gotta be quick and quiet getting in and out!


I've been in there a while back, hasn't it been sealed up again yet?

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