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Urban Explorers, a piece in this months Digital SLR Photography Magazine. | General Exploring Chat Forum |

Urban Explorers, a piece in this months Digital SLR Photography Magazine.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi all, as it says above this moths D" SLR mag has a small feature on the hidden & sometimes dangerous world of Urbex ;)

Only spread over 8 pages. Heralding 3 Photographers Mark Davies ? Daan Oude Elferink and Andy Kay. Small write up and smaller pictures,all from Europe? that"ll appeal to the HDR way past surreal gang :D

Best quote is "I"m not a fan of over the top HDR" WTF????

Camera Shy

Old enough to know better
Regular User
They obviously hunted high a low to seek out the finest in the world of urban exploration


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I only know of Andy"s stuff, off another Forum, which i like BTW :)

I didn"t have my glasses, missed High Royds Slab & a Hall in a Sussex Asylum. The only UK items.

The funny thing is the Urbex sites links they"ve put up, 7 sites with the usual suspects, but no mention of 28DL or indeed anywhere in the feature :confused

On a plus side there is a Technique item on how to shoot HDR. Blah de blah.... Photomatix....the editing software allows for varying effects & degrees of intensity, from a subtle boost to the shadows & controlling the highlights to a full retina meltdown with super-defined, crisp edges & over exaggerated textures.

So that"s a "Full Retina Meltdown" then :D

Unfortunately AFAIC shooting 7 shots and running them through Photomatix (etc)does not always make a good image. No matter how good the composition or the skill of the Photographer concerned. Do what the others do shoot 3EV range and layer them :)

We may live in a surreal World, but WTF see"s it through Photomatix eyes :coat