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Video - Urbex footage that suits music

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This will most likely be one of my infamous threads that get no replies.

When I look at urbex videos (mine or others) I usually think of music that will go well with it.

Am I the only one that does this?

Here's an example (let me know if you've got any suggestions for music to go over it and I might do a follow up).
Video is blocked in Russia.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
I'll give you a response! It's a funny one urbex and music but over the years I've often discussed if certain genres and tunes seem to go hand in hand. Maybe I'd go with Sabbath

Reminds me of this thread I did a few years back


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
I don’t know much but when I’m out and about on my own I usually listen to ‘everybody wants to rule the world’, sets the tone for me 😁