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Question - Urbex Repel laws?

Jez Walsh

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi all, I

I'm planning on doing an urban repel with some climbing gear down a 40m wall which is a block of apartments.

Ive scouted the rooftop and the perimeter of the building and can get in and out without forcing entry/ picking locks or anything like that and can do the repel (from getting onto the roof to touching down on the ground and retrieving the rope) in under 10 minutes.

What I want to know are there any laws that could get me in trouble as I've had a look and the closest thing I've found I could get in trouble for it disturbing the peace or something along those lines.

Any info would be great,


The Kwan

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I seem to remember that there was two lads who got an asbo last year for climbing an apartment block because it endangered the general public who were entering and leaving the buildings.
I think they were serial offenders.
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rebmeM LD82
Regular User
There's a multitude of different charges they could throw at you, at least for the purposes of arrest. Suspected criminal damage - they don't know if you've damaged anything during your descent, or in tying off the rope. Going Equipped purely because you have equipment on you that could be used in a burglary. Breach of the peace, culpable and reckless conduct etc.

However, just because they can does not always mean they will. Having been caught with full SRT kit ascending out of a 35 metre shaft in London where they just let us walk away, I was surprised how easy going they can sometimes be when caught with this sort of kit on you.


Staff member
If no damage they would struggle to entertain anything along those lines, but they could go down the breach of peace route if there's anyone below as they could easily make endangering others stick in court, for what it's worth quite a few of us have done this sort of thing both day and night and pulled it off without hassle, sure it's a giggle but don't complain if shit hits the fan either as everything's a risk with this silly hobby

Good luck :thumb

Jez Walsh

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for the replies, you have basically confirmed my thoughts. The "landing" sight is accessible to the public but not very easily as it's just the back of the flats where nobody goes and from the rooftop I will be able to see if there is anyone who could be in any kind of danger. For the majority of the decent I'll be out of sight so should go off without a problem. Thanks for the replies and if anyone has anything else they want to add feel free

- Jez


Obsessed with BS7671
Regular User
To expand: you could be arrested for pretty much anything if the Police think it worth while. For the charge to stick the CPS would need to be involved for it is up to them to decide to prosecute or not but I wouldn't think it would get to this stage anyway. If the CPS did decide to prosecute you would be held on remand, which could be "for a very long time", and would certainly be a bit of a "bummer" for the duration.