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Report - Uskmouth power station

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Opening in 1959 Uskmouth B is one of the UK’s oldest remaining coal-fired power station. The station was also described as the UK’s least efficient plant before it was closed pending a conversion to biomass in 2015.

The power station is a fantastic example of 1950s architecture. The main buildings are brick, the use of which was phased out shortly after construction in favour of metal-clad steel structures. The station’s single stack is one of the finest remaining fluted chimneys in the UK.

The power station originally had three English Electric generating sets, producing a total of 363 MW of electricity. The station was commissioned by the Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB), and was handed over to National Power when the electricity industry was privatised in 1990.

The station closed in 1995, and was subsequently purchased by AES in 1998. The station underwent a £120 million refurbishment which was completed by 2001. The refurbishment increased the generating power to 393 MW and new environmental equipment was installed to bring it up to date with legislative requirements

One of the three 131 MW generators was mothballed in 2013, and a year later the entire power station was closed. The station was subsequently sold and plans are in place to convert the boilers to fire Biomass. Uskmouth B re-opened briefly, still burning coal until an explosion caused extensive damage to the station’s switch house in April 2017.

This was a bit off a random explore as we was on a road trip in wales and was passing very close to it, on arrival as you can see it still seems very active (and it was) so we had to be extra stealthy here, i didnt fancy getting arrested in a semi live power station lol, you no the score and they start with all the terrorism talk in these type of touchy buildings, but to be honest it was a pretty fast explore lasting only a hour or 2, and the pictures show the rushing about so i apologise about some off the picture quality but workers literally was still walking around in here from time to time and we had quite a few close calls, so we literally did are quick explore, snapped some shots and got out off there, And luckily just in time as about 20 workers pulled in as we just got out off view. hope you like it


The Amateur Wanderer

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Doesn't look like anything's changed much there...

One of my favourite station's, not many red brick 50's monsters still kicking about!

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Not a bad effort while workers are around. Liking the externals too, particularly one showing the fluted chimney well.


O high
Staff member
thank you mate and no sorry i forgot to add the date and cant seem to edit it but it was in june 18, i dont think much has changed tho tbh, thing is ive been exploring for a long time but never uploaded intill now (honestly dont no why) so most off my report at the minute will be slightly older ones intill i can catch up

Easily done mate - I'm sitting on so many photos at the moment it's unreal. Some I want to post; others will probably never see the light of day. Just the way things go! Cheers for the info - keep meaning to go back here but despite it being so close I just haven't. From what I've heard, a few things have changed over the years but it seems it's still doable