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Report - - Vauxhall Sky Gardens - London - 2015 | High Stuff |

Report - Vauxhall Sky Gardens - London - 2015

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28DL Full Member
Vauxhall Sky Gardens – 2015

Visited in the summer of 2015. Long hot summers, remember those?

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“Fraser Property Development UK proposed plans for Sky Gardens in 2008, designed by Amin Taha Architects and Careyjones Chapmantolcher. These plans included a tower of 120 metres (390 ft)) using only glass cladding. However, in 2010, revised plans were proposed, designed solely by Careyjones Chapmantolcher.
In 2010, Lambeth Borough Council granted planning permission for new proposals which consisted of a 36 storey tower, 239 residential apartments as well as 10,000 square metres (110,000 sq ft) of office space on the first seven floors of the tower. The building would not be clad entirely from glass, and retail space would form part of the scheme, with a low rise element adding affordable housing.
The name given to the development is taken from the 2,500 sq m gardens on its top floor. The gardens include an area for residents to grow a weekly salad box each for nine months of year.
In 2014, Sky Gardens won 'Best Housing Project' at the Sunday Times British Homes Awards.”

A hot summers day in the city, sounds like the start of a romcom…

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The team consisted of ‘Luke’ and Cut.and.cover
Rendezvousing by Vauxhall tube station our target to begin the evening was obvious from the get-go. The large concrete phallus protruding from the nine elms skyline was where we were headed. Cut.and.cover had been several times before and was kind enough to show us the way for our first location of the night. A quick lap of the perimeter and our way in was sighted, there was a small gap in the site hoarding, just a small gap enough to squeeze through with your bag off but was still faster than climbing the hoarding; this is long before 15ft high metal frame fences, vibration sensors and actually decent security firms dominated London construction sites. Cut.and.cover was the first to cross into the other dimension, the ether, the portal to the familiar trespass realm. Soon followed by myself and then Luke.

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Security were a presence on site so precautions had to be taken. Check your corners for CCTV, watch your foot placement and be ready to leg it although the event of a chase being unlikely. The route from our access point wasn’t long and we were soon at the bottom of the stair core and beginning our way up. One last check to see if the secca was on its way and we dipped through the door and proceeded to the top.

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The coast is clear

I don’t remember if we stopped for a break on the way up, but I was much fitter then. Working up a sweat it was time for a drink, the refreshment came in the form of corona which has a different meaning in todays day-and-age. Once we were on the roof we soaked in the views of the area, a decent view out to the Shard and looking the opposite way you can just make out the Crystal Palace towers in the distance. Laughing, joking, killing time on the roof, it was nice and chill. A long way from the guard on the ground floor. Luke had a glass ball that he was playing around with making his image inverted in the sphere, I hadn’t seen this before and it was pretty cool. Cut.and.cover was taking his photos and before we knew it the sky was getting dark and some food was on the cards.

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Heading down we still erred on the side of caution. (on revisiting the Sky Gardens at a later date I came a cropper in the stair core.) Out the door at the bottom and into the ground floor where the guard roams we snuck our way out the same way we came. We dipped into the night and headed into the centre of town to find some of bazalgette’s rat runs.

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Thanks to Luke and Cut.and.cover
Until Next Time​


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