The History
The old Wade Ceramics site situated in Burslem was known as the ‘Hilltop’ factory and later renamed ‘The Royal Victoria Pottery’. It was built in 1811 and renovated in 1814 and originally occupied by John & Richard Riley. The site passed through a number of potteries until it was used by Wade Ceramics from 1954 until construction of a new works in Etruria in 2010 and the redundant factory is currently owned by property developer St Mowdens. Wade are most well known for their lines of small porcelain animals known as ‘Whimsies’ as well as ceramic ashtrays and Chivas whiskey flagons.
Two chunks of the works are quite badly fire damaged; the upper floor of the offices by an arson attack in 2013 and a far corner of the factory by a ‘stray firework’ in 2017.
The Explore
The Explore
Visited a couple of times this summer, but the first time I blundered straight into a PIR and tripped the alarms so I scrammed. As others have said, due to the factory being built on a hill and having had many additions over its lifetime means there were stairs and corridors weaving off in all directions. It made the place a bit of a maze but I think I had a look everywhere.
Front of the listed admin building
The factory floor containing 4 electric kilns & a rather large tunnel kiln
Small office in the corner of the production area
Had a good rummage through the moulds
The offices were completely stripped and weirdly it looked as though both staircases leading to the upper floor where the fire damage is had been cut / smashed off
'Whimsies' and dyes
And lastly the tourist room
That's your lot, thanks for looking.
Front of the listed admin building
The factory floor containing 4 electric kilns & a rather large tunnel kiln
Small office in the corner of the production area
Had a good rummage through the moulds
The offices were completely stripped and weirdly it looked as though both staircases leading to the upper floor where the fire damage is had been cut / smashed off
'Whimsies' and dyes
And lastly the tourist room

That's your lot, thanks for looking.