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Report - Wakefield and pontefract magistrates court - April 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

The Wakefield and pontefract magistrates court was originally the police department for Wakefield City police. These operated between 1848 and 1968. The Wakefield Borough Police came into being in September 1848 after the Borough Council were tasked with forming a 'constabulary force' for the newly formed borough. The first police station was located in King Street and still stands today. The building originally being the 'Police and Vagrant Office' in 1829.The building consisted of two cells and a short time afterwards, a female detention was built on the first floor. In 1876 the police station moved to half of a renovated building 'Tammy Hall', which had been constructed in 1778 and when the southern half had been demolished to make way for the Town Hall, the northernmost part of the building was refurbished to form a new police and fire station. New buildings were added to the refurbished Tammy Hall, to the north (Chief Constable's Office and Charge Office); the west on King Street (Chief Constable's house) and the south (Fire Station). The ground floor housed 20 cells with an underground passage linking the cells in the police station to the cells below the Court Room in the Town Hall.This building is now the Wakefield and Pontefract Magistrates' Court. The court closed on 30th of September 2016 and all the cases covered by that district will be transferred to Leeds magistrates court as of the 3rd October 2016.
There's probably more history on this place.


There's not much to.say about the explore on this one except I'm glad I got there when I did as it was in the process of getting ripped out, so I will probably be the last one to see it. It was a bit of a personal explore for me as I had stood trial in this court before it closed. There were still some cool finds lying around. Anyway here are a few snaps before it's gone forever!









Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Not a bad 1st report. You've followed format & produced quite a good report. Well done and welcome to the world of posting in 28DL. Just a minor detail, remember to pick report from drop down menu when doing your titles, also add mth & Yr of explore. Not exact date just a mth & yr. Its to keep the forum formatted & so we can see the changes happening within a location.

Again well done & welcome :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thank you for the warm welcome, and the positive response. I've managed to add it to a thread, however how do I add a date? Do I just add it to the title?

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