Spook had spotted this place was closed recently so we went for a look last night. To be honest I've passed it regularly since I was old enough to ride a motorbike, and it always did look very run down, even when it was in use, but the part we visited has been closed for a few years.
Access was fairly easy with a bit of a climb, although security must drive onto the site often. We went straight in through the end of the huge building, the pictures don't convey how huge this place is.
Whatever was in the main hall had been taken out but on the side was a 7 or eight storey section with huge hoppers and things.
Everywhere was covered in a layer of the white powder which I assumed was the soda ash. It's not really dangerous but we kept our masks on all the time.
Accross the river, and linked to this building by a bridge is another part of the works with gigantic silos. Spook has only ever seen one or two cars there recently so it might have closed as well with just a security presense. However there were a lot of lights on and I could hear some kind of machinery so something is going on in there.
We only saw one other set of footprints in the Ash which lay all around like snow, so it's not very visited inside. Outside there is a pump house which looked like it might still be being used and had working floodlights outside it.
We went back to the car and had a drive round the Brunner Mond works accross the road and found these little air raid shelters.
Then we went home and had a shower (well I did
) I expected the water to fizz like Alka Saltzer
, but this morning all seems OK and nothings dropped off 
Access was fairly easy with a bit of a climb, although security must drive onto the site often. We went straight in through the end of the huge building, the pictures don't convey how huge this place is.
Whatever was in the main hall had been taken out but on the side was a 7 or eight storey section with huge hoppers and things.
Everywhere was covered in a layer of the white powder which I assumed was the soda ash. It's not really dangerous but we kept our masks on all the time.
Accross the river, and linked to this building by a bridge is another part of the works with gigantic silos. Spook has only ever seen one or two cars there recently so it might have closed as well with just a security presense. However there were a lot of lights on and I could hear some kind of machinery so something is going on in there.
We only saw one other set of footprints in the Ash which lay all around like snow, so it's not very visited inside. Outside there is a pump house which looked like it might still be being used and had working floodlights outside it.
We went back to the car and had a drive round the Brunner Mond works accross the road and found these little air raid shelters.
Then we went home and had a shower (well I did