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Lead or Rumour info - Westbury House, Hampshire

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wanted to give a heads up to others…

Tried to visit this place this week & didn’t even make it 20 meters past the fence. A farmer & his son pulled up faster than we could even catch our bearings. Apparently the place was sold recently to some developer in London (though I can’t find evidence to back that up). They‘ve put up a fence and hired private security, whilst also adding cctv into the surrounding land and woodland which is constantly monitored. They knew we were there well before anything. I played dumb, as we were quite a distance away and said I was doing a day hike through the downs. I politely asked which way the public access woodland was and they pointed us away. I’m sure they knew we were full of shit and followed us to ensure we went back to where we came from. Even though it’s turned into a mess, still would have been a nice one.

We can’t always win. Had a lovely early morning hike none the less 😂



I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
It used to have militant locals that live right next to it with some sort of superpowers that allowed them to work out people were inside and they'd call police at the first signs. Then it did the rounds within the usual goon merry-go-rounds, decayed a lot and got completely ruined, as they seemed to stop caring.

Now it seems to have reverted to what it was like before by the sounds of it.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Visited this last year and a couple of months ago, it was trashed a year ago but on the second visit it was almost pointless, piano had been flipped and smashed, the office area had been turned upside down, even gaining access was a doddle we just walked right in. Shame people see it as a chance to be destructive and ruin everything

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