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Report - - WH Shaw Pallet Works - Diggle - July 2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - WH Shaw Pallet Works - Diggle - July 2019

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Webb7 Photography

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

(Stolen from a previous report by @The Lone Ranger. Sorry not sorry )

'By far the most impressive building in Diggle is the Dobcross Loom Works; built in 1860 and located on the Canal side of Huddersfield Road about 300 yards from the junction with Standedge Road. For 37 years until 2006 it had been the home of Shaw’s Pallet Works, reputedly one of the largest pallet works in Europe.

The stunning building at the entrance known locally as ‘The Cathedral’ the main building housing the clock tower. The building with the clock tower is a Grade II listed building and any future development of the site will have to incorporate that building into their plans.

Nothing is left of the loom works, but the Pallet Works’ site, covers 22 acres, is up for re-development, interestingly, the buildings were used for munitions in World War I and for making parts for Russian submarines in World War 2.After over 36 years of making wooden pallets, and a major employer of the village, W.H Shaws factory closed down in 2006 after going into administration. It is more than likely that the whole site will be turned into a major housing development..

There was a huge auction at the factory on the 7th March 2007 when to name just a few of the items sold were Eight Fork Lift Trucks,Pallet Trucks, Climax 90 Sideloader, Ford Agricultural Tractor, Rolls Royce Diesel Generator, Wellman Robey Ygnis & Senior Green Gas Fired Steam Boilers, Atlas Copco Air Compressors, Pressure Washers, Welding & Fitters Shop Equipment including Mig Tig Welders, Cut Off Saws, Power Hacksaw, Drills, Degreasing Bath, Collectible Office (Partners Desk & Boardroom) Furniture & Equipment including computers, Canteen & Kitchen Equipment. Three Scania Sleeper Cab Tractor Units, Leyland Daf 85 330 Shunter Tractor Unit and a Ford Transit 190 Dropside Tipper. At one time the factory even had its own buses transporting staff to and from the pallet works.'

The Explore
This site has been covered a few times but is a must visit. Upon passing the enterance of the building there was a white van parked up so we went around the back and tried to be fairly quiet. Heard quite a few large bangs not long after we arrived , which sounded like a large shutter door closing. Let's just say we were a little spooked and from then on tried to stay quiet and unseen.

All in all we must have spent 1 or 2 hours at this site but did miss a few things such as the record player, forgot to go to the bridge which has the first aid station with the telephone and the listed building as this had a sensor about one of the enterances. So avoided as we were already sketched out. We didn't go into another building as it was too dark and didn't have touches, (phone touches weren't bright enough). Other than the loud bangs on site we never came across anyone more did we when leaving. When we eventually left we passed the front enterance and found the white van was still there but in fact turns out it was just an electrical van so we didn't have to worry about security. Here are the photos we got, enjoy.




















May get back here to finish it off properly

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