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what should i bring starting out

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Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User


All year round.

And don’t step on stuff that’s slimy, spiky, poisonous or looks like it’s got teeth.

Just take yourself and be careful :thumb :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Best advice about asbestos: do not fuck with it!

Don't disturb it, move it, touch it or lick it, if you stick to this you'll be fine, but if you do disturb it, you risk putting fibres into the air which you can breath in, they can also stick to skin and clothing which you could end up taking home with you. :thumb
yeah i know but theres always a chance of disturbing it by accident so i just want to be prepared incase of that


28DL Member
28DL Member
My Kit includes :-

Filtered half face mask
Tactical Gloves
Latex Gloves
First Aid Kit
A drink
Snickers x4 (usually)
Sanitised hand wipes
Small writing pad and pen
Camera Phone
Charging Cables
Main Flashlight
Back up Flashlight
Mini Flashlight
Disposable Vape
Glow Sticks
Oxygen Meter
USB Charge Device

It depends what and where I am exploring but I always take mask, gloves, 1st aid kit, and at least 2 flashlight plus the camera 👌

For Asbestos though propper filtered mask, gloves, goggles, sanitised wipes, first Aid Kit, flashlights, phone camera and normal explore clothing.
I found this really informative but can I ask as a new explorer is much of this needed? I still don't know too much about exploring and even with my research with my friend I feel like a lot comes with experience. I don't really have any 'Professional Kit' to speak as I've only been to one place at the moment, but wanted to know if there's anything you'd take anywhere? As a student I don't have masses of money to use on something I don't know too much about, is there anything advice I could get? It would be much appreciated (about kit or general advice).


Professional Twat
28DL Full Member
Honestly most of that seems overkill for wherever you’re going, you’re local derpy factory won’t really need much at all, just a flashlight, some form of camera even if a phone one and maybe some cheap contractor gloves

All my kit really had is
Camera+Film stock
Flashlight-£5 (Even cheaper from somewhere like aliexpress, and I still don’t use it that often)
Water bottle or two
Mask (if area may have asbestos like older factories, if you get one get a JSP P3, £20 Amazon and they’re the best you can get)
Couple small first aids like bandages and alcohol wipes

Even then I feel what I have is overkill but Id rather stay safe. Just bring whatever you feel you need to be safe somewhere, it’s all whatever you feel is best


28DL Member
28DL Member
Honestly most of that seems overkill for wherever you’re going, you’re local derpy factory won’t really need much at all, just a flashlight, some form of camera even if a phone one and maybe some cheap contractor gloves

All my kit really had is
Camera+Film stock
Flashlight-£5 (Even cheaper from somewhere like aliexpress, and I still don’t use it that often)
Water bottle or two
Mask (if area may have asbestos like older factories, if you get one get a JSP P3, £20 Amazon and they’re the best you can get)
Couple small first aids like bandages and alcohol wipes

Even then I feel what I have is overkill but Id rather stay safe. Just bring whatever you feel you need to be safe somewhere, it’s all whatever you feel is best
Cheers, appreciate it 👍

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