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What's your standard gear?

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Most of the above and depending where I'm going I carry glow sticks, carbon monoxide detector, carbon dioxide detector and GPS EPIRB.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Monopod's are good. You can use them as a tripod or a walking/hiking stick. You can also collapse them to a smaller size.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It has three feet that you can screw into the bottom if it. If you don't want to use feet you can angle it against you for steadiness.


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Okay for daylight shots, but no good for anything slower than 1/15th of a second exposure in my experience as you're still relying on your hand/body to hold it still. Depends what you want to photograph I guess.

The Lone Ranger

Safety is paramount!
Staff member
It has three feet that you can screw into the bottom if it. If you don't want to use feet you can angle it against you for steadiness.

I use a monopod everyone and then for wildlife photography or the odd landscape when it's a bit dull. I suppose exploring it would be better than nothing, but as soon a the exposure time gets below 1/30th of a second I'd be using a tripod anyway. They don't weigh that much different tbh and as the photos are a one off more often then not I take them at ISO 100 with exposure times from a couple of seconds to the extreme of 5 minutes in some of the larger mines I've been in.

A monopod would be good for bashing nettles and brambles, far better than a tripod too :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Here's my kit. It's probably overkill but i like having everything just in case :)

Normal Trips (which are mostly at night):
- Dark/Black Clothing
- Walking Boots
- Respirator
- Gloves
- Multiple Torches & Batteries (Because my friends NEVER bring any...)
- Glow Sticks (as a Backup... and they can be helpful for taking some cool photos)
- First Aid Kit
- GoPro (modified for night vision)
- Camera (Canon EOS 700D)
- Drone (Depending on the location and time)
- Mini Tripod
- Water
- Swiss Army Knife

On longer/Overnight Trips:
- Snacks
- Sleeping Bag/Tent
- Survival Blankets (those tin foil things)
- Flares (Can be an awesome photo opportunity... and they just look cool on my backpack).


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Really useful thread. Any thoughts on what would happen if you were picked up carrying a Swiss Army knife?


Camera Drowner
Regular User
Really useful thread. Any thoughts on what would happen if you were picked up carrying a Swiss Army knife?

It sort of depends on the Swiss army knife and the situation. I carry a very small keyring leatherman on set of keys ('Legal' to carry) pretty much all the time, and never had any trouble so far. However if you got searched and the police at a derp and they really wanted to arrest you it might be one thing they can get you on. If its a full sized SAK then I'd generally avoid, a tiny Classic SD sized SAK you might get away with as its fairly inoffensive and not big enough to be anything other than a useful EDC tool. I doubt they'd get you going equipped unless the tool you had was meaty enough to actually get you into somewhere. Also remember if a blade is over 3inch's or has a locking blade you have to have a 'good reason' to carry it. Even if it's non-locking and under 3 inches they still might expect good reasoning to have it on you.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It sort of depends on the Swiss army knife and the situation. I carry a very small keyring leatherman on set of keys ('Legal' to carry) pretty much all the time, and never had any trouble so far. However if you got searched and the police at a derp and they really wanted to arrest you it might be one thing they can get you on. If its a full sized SAK then I'd generally avoid, a tiny Classic SD sized SAK you might get away with as its fairly inoffensive and not big enough to be anything other than a useful EDC tool. I doubt they'd get you going equipped unless the tool you had was meaty enough to actually get you into somewhere. Also remember if a blade is over 3inch's or has a locking blade you have to have a 'good reason' to carry it. Even if it's non-locking and under 3 inches they still might expect good reasoning to have it on you.
I suppose as long as you have a genuine reason for carrying the knife and the plods can see that, then hopefully it will be the end of the matter. Of course there is always the one time though....


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It sort of depends on the Swiss army knife and the situation. I carry a very small keyring leatherman on set of keys ('Legal' to carry) pretty much all the time, and never had any trouble so far. However if you got searched and the police at a derp and they really wanted to arrest you it might be one thing they can get you on. If its a full sized SAK then I'd generally avoid, a tiny Classic SD sized SAK you might get away with as its fairly inoffensive and not big enough to be anything other than a useful EDC tool. I doubt they'd get you going equipped unless the tool you had was meaty enough to actually get you into somewhere. Also remember if a blade is over 3inch's or has a locking blade you have to have a 'good reason' to carry it. Even if it's non-locking and under 3 inches they still might expect good reasoning to have it on you.
Cheers Grom. I used to carry a Swiss Army knife as a kid as it was invaluable for all sorts of totally inoffensive (and useful) purposes, but there’s such a media frenzy about knives right now that I daren’t carry one just in case.


Camera Drowner
Regular User
It's quite situational aswell. So if the police get called in because secca have caught you and you are causing lots of trouble and getting aggressive with them, then having a blade on you is gonna get you in a world of trouble. On the other hand if you are pleasant and it can be seen that you are being polite and have a good attitude then it will be way less of an issue.

I actually asked this question on the r/UKpolice subreddit a while back, and the generaly opinion that as long as you weren't caught on a dark street corner where there was recently trouble, and the tool itself is reasonably sensible justify, then your gonna be okay. ie small SAK multitool or a smaller leatherman ie easier to justify as its got a wide range of uses. However a dedicated folding blade like a Spyderco or Opinel is harder to justify as its got less general uses, even know they might still be 'legal carrys'.

To be honest its all a bit grey, but don't be a tit, have a good reason ready and you should be okay.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cheers Grom. I used to carry a Swiss Army knife as a kid as it was invaluable for all sorts of totally inoffensive (and useful) purposes, but there’s such a media frenzy about knives right now that I daren’t carry one just in case.
I think that's the best thing really. Nothing wrong with being over cautious..

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