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Question - Whats your worst exploring injury?

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Regular User
Surprisingly avoided injuries whilst doing this,

Stood on a nail down some tunnels last and needed a tetanus shot. Felt rough they day after as I didn’t got and get it checked immediately and went on a site visit instead 😬


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Excluding the usual scratches, cuts and, twisted ankles, there's nothing I can really think of.
There's a few houmous bumps such as
- Walking into a surgical lamp
- Running into a locked door whilst attempting to make a quick exit
- Sneezing, quite violently, and headbutting a shipping container
- Attempting to climb back onto a rough roof, resulting in some cuts to the hand, as security appeared at the door I'd just opened
- Sliding out of control down an embankment into a ditch full of thorns
- Getting stabbed to death on Eggborough's fence.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
- Sliding out of control down an embankment into a ditch full of thorns

Reminds me of the occasion when, during my first trip to the continent, my friend decided to take a 'shortcut' across a roadside ditch to get to whichever location it was we were walking to, only to lose his footing and slide down it, with his foot then hitting the leaves at the bottom which rather worryingly then rippled, and we realised the whole thing was full of water, I had to pull him out using some random piece of baling twine I found lying around otherwise he was going to go in :rofl