Explored this last month. This is an ex fabrics mill, which was was a jute mill even further back, which shut a few years ago when Godfrey's moved to new premises on the edge of Dundee. A lot of grafitti and general Ned damage, but surprised it wasn't worse. Definately shows the deterioration since lost's report last year. Place was interesting, offered some good views of Dundee City Centre and docks, but very little relics left, besides a lot of fabric samples.
Sadly, since i took these pictures, my highlight, the factory floor, has been demolished, the offices will probably follow. I can only guess the place is destined to become expensive flats. Get there while you can.
Pics, taken on a camera phone.
Regretfully, I couldn't find any ear defenders!

Sadly, since i took these pictures, my highlight, the factory floor, has been demolished, the offices will probably follow. I can only guess the place is destined to become expensive flats. Get there while you can.
Pics, taken on a camera phone.
Regretfully, I couldn't find any ear defenders!