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Report - - Willington Power Station 12/01/2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Willington Power Station 12/01/2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's been a busy weekend for me, 3 buildings in 2 cities in under 24 hours!
This is more a place of interest than an explore, but still well worth the visit.
Unfortunately I'm no photographer, and my night shots of the rest of our day didn't turn out so great, but Willington was a place to behold in itself - Incredibly atmospheric!

We arrived in Willington around 2pm, parking up in the local services for a bite to eat.
On seeing the gates closed, we decided to drive around the back and wander through a field.. We kicked ourselves when we realised just how easy access really was. I won't give it away, but it's practically wheelchair accessable.
We crossed a small stream at the boundry of a field, and on turning the corner you can start to really appreciate the size of these things. As you approach, you'll find a fence covers the perimeter of the site and a few impatient triers have jumped the palisade, but it's not worth the risk of skewering yourself with such an easy access around the corner...

On approach, the towers get more and more massive until you can see nothing else. They're truly impressive to behold, and even more so as you get inside.
The echo of these places is incredible, and we experimented (played) for a good 20 minutes with throwing rocks at the floor and yelling to hear the effects.
There are 5 towers overall, 2 are bone dry and have no internals, 3 have a number of posts and a bridge and still have some water in the reservoirs at the bottom

Well worth a view if you're in the area at all. Derby has a number of buildings to explore (We visited the Hippodrome 15 minutes down the road after this)
I'll let the photos finish up the report.









28DL Regular User
Regular User
Good to see this place is (a) still there and (b) still doable. Looked set for demo but clearly that has been delayed....


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Looked set for demo but clearly that has been delayed

In August 2016 permission was granted for demo and for the construction on "Willington C" but nothing happened. The owning company was bidding in an energy supply auction but didn't win, so it wasn't viable for them to carry on.


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
I suppose this one will inevitably go the same way as Thorpe Marsh after a few more years.

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