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Report - - Woolley Hall Woolley Wakefield August 2020 | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Woolley Hall Woolley Wakefield August 2020

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Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
Like this place, you had luck getting in here. Its still in great condition which surprises me. But I do feel a tour bus coming lol. Great photos & report. :thumb
Thank You, it's an amazing place, hope the tour bus doesn't begin but no doubt it will, especially with the urbex scene as of late.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I intend on visiting this site in the coming weeks. I will be respectful. Looks a fabulous venture.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Been here today, since it's been on the market they have stepped up security and added CCTV cameras to the outside. I tripped the alarm too but got out before anyone came. The lawn had been freshly mowed and a skip was outside so it looks like people are here fairly frequently.


Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
Been here today, since it's been on the market they have stepped up security and added CCTV cameras to the outside. I tripped the alarm too but got out before anyone came. The lawn had been freshly mowed and a skip was outside so it looks like people are here fairly frequently.
Some arsehole on Facebook posted the name and location of the place, he also did a video of him playing cat and mouse with security.
No wonder they have stepped up there game.

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