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Report - - Worcester Cathedral - summer 2015 | High Stuff |

Report - Worcester Cathedral - summer 2015

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Conrod the Barbarian
Regular User
houses of god rooftops seem to be the flavour of the day so here's a couple from my hometown of worcester back in the summer





only got up one side as they were only working the SW tower, my old lady was actually up in the tower helping archive some of the library ready for internal renovations, some of the literature dates back to the 10th century, saw some pics of them looked pretty damn cool, needless to say she wasnt in there as i scaled the scaff outside as id have had a clip around the earhole, but was around the same time they were working the exterior, nice little spot to watch the sunset and have a beer in the summer
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Conrod the Barbarian
Regular User
cheers dude, its only 2/300 yards from my front door, it's actually a massive prick, they love ringing the bells on a sunday morning when you're hanging out your ass, fuckin religion wankers