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Report - Wrexham Cemetery Mortuary - May 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice little spot. Been looking for non-hospital mortuarys for years but never had much luckm
There is one in Reddish near Stockport behind the old fire st it’s no where near as good as this basically a room with a slab in the middle and very small no windows.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Nice little spot. Been looking for non-hospital mortuarys for years but never had much luckm

There's one behind the trashed Durham Baths swimming pool, but it's been sealed for all time if I remember right.


Conrod the Barbarian
Regular User
oooooh that is tidy, nearly all the morgues you see at the minute look like they probably still smell of disinfectant they are so fresh. top drawer.


28DL Full Member
On fb now along with a comment about people caught breaking in.
Guess it not Np anymore.


Staff member
What a shame, we have tried to give people a chance by leaving it in here, I guess it doesn’t always work out that way, then again it was in the media which prob hasn’t helped and inevitably gets more views than we’d assume.


28DL Full Member
Yeah it's a shame, going by the comments it looks like loads of people rocked up during the cemetery opening hours & wasn't very savey about what they were doing.... same old shit lol


g00n Buster
Staff member
Idiots man. It was such an easy place to do without getting rumbled. And being so small it was in, our, done, down the road in about 10 minutes.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Yeah it's a shame, going by the comments it looks like loads of people rocked up during the cemetery opening hours & wasn't very savey about what they were doing.... same old shit lol

Fucking amateurs.

Bet they were queueing up to get goontube footage as well.


So yet again the absolute dregs of this silly hobby go and bait it up and from what I hear purposely get it sealed,well done Mr Buckley you absolute cretin!

Moved now, as things have changed a bit from what I've been sent today....

Enjoy, best pics you'll see of it anyway are right here anyway! :thumb


the north
Regular User
That's so nice. Love the minimalism of mortuaries that are just an empty room with the slab. Sucks to hear what's happened to this one though...

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