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Report - - Yaverland Battery/Magazine, Isle of Wight, Sep20 | Military Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Yaverland Battery/Magazine, Isle of Wight, Sep20

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yaverland; Is where Mrs O’Grady the only female German spy was first imprisoned before she escaped and done a runner, she was caught, imprisoned and sentenced to death, later given a life sentence, she was let out and came back to the Island and lived next door to my Mum.


g00n Buster
Staff member
Yaverland; Is where Mrs O’Grady the only female German spy was first imprisoned before she escaped and done a runner, she was caught, imprisoned and sentenced to death, later given a life sentence, she was let out and came back to the Island and lived next door to my Mum.

Wow that’s a great bit of history. Thanks for sharing.

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