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Report - - Zachery Merton Ward, Stanmore - March 22 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Zachery Merton Ward, Stanmore - March 22

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Zachery Merton ward


The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in Stanmore near Harrow has a LOT of history behind it. The hospital itself opened in 1922 after the Hospital on London's Portland Street under the same name decided to open this; a second site which they referred to as the 'Country Branch' rather than the 'Town Branch' which Portland Street was named.
The at-the-time disused Mary Wardell Convalescent Home was chosen as a suitable location. By 1923 around 100 patients were housed at Stanmore, mostly suffering chronic cases of Tuberculosis so requiring, long periods of convalescence in the fresh open air.


The hospital expanded it's services in the following years and decades; and grew into a large institution in it's own right. In it's presen form; it's a large, modern facility undergoing a huge amount of redevelopment. A lot of the more older buildings have now been demolished or renovated but there are a few yet to meet this fate.
One of them is this; the Zachary Merton Building, a Convalescent Ward opened in 1936 with 44 beds. It was originally called The Convalescent Ward; but in 1961 it was renamed the Zachary Merton Ward, after the trust by the same name.



Up to this point children, following operations, had been transported from the main site to the Zachary Merton Ward by a towed ambulance, however when the rear axle of the last operational ambulance malfunctioned; Bloomsbury Health Authority refused to pay for a repair or replacement and following that, the Zachary Merton Ward closed sometime in the 80s


Stolen the history here, sorry @Landie_Man & pics are from several visits











Thanks for loking​


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi , the title say march 2022.Is it of one year ago or was meant to be 2023? Checking if this site still there ,or they start to building , demolishing?
i can plan and go as well if it is still there πŸ™ŒπŸ».
Beautiful pics!

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Hi , the title say march 2022.Is it of one year ago or was meant to be 2023? Checking if this site still there ,or they start to building , demolishing?
i can plan and go as well if it is still there πŸ™ŒπŸ».
Beautiful pics!

yeah a year ago then again later in year, its still there & prob still accesable

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
It's still there although security around the hospital entrances has been increased somewhat in the last year or so, there are other ways to approach it however.

really? been there a few times & just parked on site & waked in. I also climbed in window of another block before realising it is not so abandoned lol


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
really? been there a few times & just parked on site & waked in. I also climbed in window of another block before realising it is not so abandoned lol

Went past a month or so ago and there's ANPR barriers and secca on at least one of the entrances now where there was none before, doesn't change the alternative way to get to it though haha.