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Report - Edleston Road Primary School, Crewe - February 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My oldest went to the nursery here for a short time whilst the new college was being built, wow its certainly looking a bit bare now lol


28DL Member
28DL Member
February 2018

Did this one as a solo visit one cold and wet morning, the building is pretty trashed now with very few windows left in one piece. In response to this the owners have recently built a wooden wall around the building. The building consists of two floors and a small cellar but very few class rooms.

Built out of red brick around 1875 in response to the Education Act of 1870, Edleston Road Community Primary School operated for 133 years before moving to a different building about a mile away. It is believed that the building was constructed with steel beams that were made at the nearby Crewe Works, however no solid evidence currently exists to prove this. Following its closure in 2008 the building was used as a Childcare Centre by South Cheshire College whilst construction on a new college building took place, until 2011 when the building was left empty for the final time.

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[1] - (Credit: Cheshire East Planning)



















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My old Primary School. Big rooms, high ceilings but few corridors. Had to go through classrooms to reach other classrooms. Wide stairwells. Big Crewe town junior school with 500 pupils in the 1960s. Edleston Rd was known as Eggy Rd by its pupils. Very strong school football, cricket and athletics teams in a area whose religion was football. Outstanding Headmaster Colin Buchan for 20 years 1960-80. Of the teachers, the male teachers were all sportsmen, mainly football and cricket (some ex professionals) with many of them decorated ex WW2 army or RAF officers . Good record of getting kids through the 11+ to the grammar schools. Loads of working class kids (sons and daughters of railwaymen) ended up passing the test and getting to the boys and girls grammars and hence university. Was a competitive but safe school with little bullying although the odd fight did occur. I had three black lads in my class which was very rare then. We were all mates and it's only 30 years after I left that this struck me as this was possibly unusual for the time. At the time colour was not a thing, we were all just kids who loved to play football.

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