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Report - - Ex Holiday Inn Hotel - Kensington, London - November 2023 | High Stuff | Page 2 |

Report - Ex Holiday Inn Hotel - Kensington, London - November 2023

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28DL Member
28DL Member
No way.That place is hell,went there today.Around 6 security guards all over the place,we got caught 3 times and chased
out.Go at ur own risk, let this be ur warning.
Only reason we escaped is because of the adrenaline rush gave us god climbing skills,scaled a 8 foot tall fence in 3 secs top.
Me and my friends got in with ease, werent seem at all and no security run ins


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Best to keep away from mentioning specifics, such as these details, on a public forum as you never know who’s reading it and, although it’s rather unlikely, it could come back to bite ya..
I was curious, we went there *RECENTLY* and got absolutely bombarded by security, way different experience from theirs.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Fucking love this! Great views, would love to hit this building. All those red lights in the distance from the cranes... Beautiful.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
I was curious, we went there *RECENTLY* and got absolutely bombarded by security, way different experience from theirs.
This is another reason why discussing access isn't encouraged on the forum, it can be completely different from one day to the next, both in terms of physical security and the presence of guards, etc

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