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Report - - Fukushima no-go zone - radioactive abandoned towns | Noteworthy Reports | Page 4 |

Report - Fukushima no-go zone - radioactive abandoned towns

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Excellent report, I've done a lot of reading about the economic implications of the disaster, as part of my work, so important to be reminded of the human cost now and again.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The above link may be of interest to anyone with an interest in Fukushima, it's very long and doesn't get interesting for a few pages but the guy who's posts you want are sfa437 (starting at post #28}. He's an ex US intel analyst and most of what he was saying before anyone else turned out to 100% correct. At the time there were a couple of 1000 watching the thread on a board that usually had 800 on line at best, It was being followed by several news orgs and a handful of Tokyo embassies who were getting better info there than from the Japanese. I know this because as an admin I was contacted by a few to establish sfa's bona fides.

It will take a fair bit of wading but there is some very interesting stuff in there if you have the time to go through it.


Is this the future?
28DL Full Member
That's one of the best reports I've seen on here to date. You've captured it really well and given us a well-rounded report with interesting info too.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I can't see pics and the link to full report seems broken? Or is it a problem my end?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Answering my own post, working again now. Wow, incredible report, words can't really say anything!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That was a really good read and the pictures are incredible, thank you for sharing your amazing experience.


28DL Member
28DL Member

Can someone please explain the existence of the Terminator 2 toy skull in the above picture? The film came out 6 years after this event! So is this a faked photo, or had someone come by and dropped some random film memorabilia?
It is kind of strange.
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