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Information - London Road Tunnels!

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"You BOY!
Regular User
Yeah I'm fully aware, but absolutely no one wants to tell anyone where they are, but we have found them and want to take some other people along, it will be an awesome explore nonetheless!

If no one takes you up on this would you prepared to go alone, take some pictures(not video) and maybe do a report and put some pictures on this site and show us what we're missing?
People might take more interest.


Hilariously under-equipped since 1999.
28DL Full Member
I've been to the supposed location of those tunnels multiple times before, and I couldn't find any way in. Are you sure this is an absolute way into the shelter?


28DL Full Member
I've been to the supposed location of those tunnels multiple times before, and I couldn't find any way in. Are you sure this is an absolute way into the shelter?

if i remember correctly you was on about this place mid last year on the chatbox, how have you still not found the way in ?? i've been twice since then and so have various other explorers, like wevsky said its no big secret where the entrance is if you have a bit of savvy about you.


Hilariously under-equipped since 1999.
28DL Full Member
@UrbanZ I think the tunnel plans don't line up. Plus I found what looked like entrance C and thought it'd been sealed. Although I think I accidentally found the main entrance and mistook it for entrance C. I have a pretty strong idea of where it is now, although getting to it is going to be a tough one.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
@UrbanZ I think the tunnel plans don't line up. Plus I found what looked like entrance C and thought it'd been sealed. Although I think I accidentally found the main entrance and mistook it for entrance C. I have a pretty strong idea of where it is now, although getting to it is going to be a tough one.
Literally, so easy to find - just around the edges, or even better crawl