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Report - - Methodist Central Hall/Que Club in Birmingham (1/5/2024 - 2/5/2024) | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Methodist Central Hall/Que Club in Birmingham (1/5/2024 - 2/5/2024)

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28DL Member
28DL Member
It’s either all boarded up now or I just don’t know how to get in because I’ve just circled the place twice and I can’t find any entrances


28DL Member
28DL Member
Hello, Everybody...

I have recently explored the Methodist Central Hall/Que Club, and I was able to take pictures and shoot footage the next day.

The Brief History

Methodist Central Hall in Birmingham was built 1903–1904. Seating in the main hall for 2,000 worshippers, and more than 30 other rooms including three school halls. It was constructed with red brick, and faced with terracotta produced by the renowned firm of Gibbs and Canning Limited of Tamworth, which also produced decorative works for the interior of the Victoria Law Courts in Birmingham and the Natural History Museum in London.

The building was also used as a nightclub known as the Q Club between 1991-2002 and a second incarnation between 2007-2011, and during its tenure as a nightclub the venue experienced shocking casualties amongst the clientele.

Someone jumped off the tower in 1998, a drugs overdose in 2000 and a stabbing outside in 2008, were sadly the fatalities that occured at the venue.

Since 2011 the site has lain disused and falling into decay, particularly in the uppermost sections, leading to a listing in Historic England’s ‘Heritage at Risk’ register.

The venue opened sporadically until 2016 as it was hosting the "Rooftop" club night.

My Exploration

I explored  the venue over a two day period... I got my photographs during my first exploration and I came back the next day for footage.

I have posted a video on Youtube and included photographs of the areas I shot during my first day.

My Youtube Channel...

My Photographs













Thank you, and happy exploring.

Cool photos, thank you! I wonder how safe it is to go in there, or if there's squatters etc

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