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mike ology

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
humber bank factory,pentax ist dl2 20 sec ex
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Boba Low

SWC ___/
28DL Full Member
And what's more, you've even lied about your exposure time. I do believe it to be 20 seconds, not 30...

mike ology

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Beg to differ - but I do believe that was taken on a PENTAX not a Nikon :rolleyes:

ah so it was, i do apologise but it was a 20 sec ex off my old pentax ist,i have had many cameras since and this photo was mixed up in my nikon folder,i should get to know my own shots a bit better....

mike ology

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The DL2 was a very underrated camera

sorry about the mix up lads,,i never meant to "lie" about my own photo,it was an honest mix up,,i use a d90 these days (upgraded from a d40) but i do miss the simplicity of my old dl2,i still have it and it just carries on going


28DL Full Member
sorry about the mix up lads,,i never meant to "lie" about my own photo,it was an honest mix up,,i use a d90 these days (upgraded from a d40) but i do miss the simplicity of my old dl2,i still have it and it just carries on going

You'll soon get used to the level of the humour hare mate :p

mike ology

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You'll soon get used to the level of the humour hare mate :p

cheers styru,ive just done my first report and its all new to me on here,i can handle the banter but i should get my facts right before posting..i won a competition with that photo aswell so i should know my stuff really !:thumb


Too old to give a f*ck...
28DL Full Member
The former Hoverport site in Dover's western docks


Canon EOS650, Sigma 18-35mm, 30" @ F5.6, Fuji Superia 200

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