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Report - - Queensbury Tunnel, Bradford - January 2022. | Underground Sites | Page 2 |

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The situation with Queensbury is depressing for sure. The trouble with infilling is this in itself doesn’t resolve the problem entirely due to settlement, the photos show this starting to affect even the works already done. Infilling shaft 2 seems injudicious, not least because they blocked the secondary escape route - hardly ideal for the contractors working inside, one wonders if any arrangements were made to use the shafts as a last resort emergency escape?

It does seem that at some point some serious money is going to have to be spent repairing this tunnel. If that happens, getting some value out of that by putting a cycle path through doesn’t seem such a bad idea.

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The situation with Queensbury is depressing for sure. The trouble with infilling is this in itself doesn’t resolve the problem entirely due to settlement, the photos show this starting to affect even the works already done. Infilling shaft 2 seems injudicious, not least because they blocked the secondary escape route - hardly ideal for the contractors working inside, one wonders if any arrangements were made to use the shafts as a last resort emergency escape?

It does seem that at some point some serious money is going to have to be spent repairing this tunnel. If that happens, getting some value out of that by putting a cycle path through doesn’t seem such a bad idea.
I feel a lot of the works undertaken don’t solve any problems more just heal them slightly, A lot of money has been spent and inside little substantial works is evident, There’s now no way to pass shaft No.2 due to the aggregate and no safe way to pass Shaft No.3 due to the steel cages, Yes you can climb round but from a H&S / Contractor point of view they wouldn’t allow access based upon no safe emergency access route.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I feel a lot of the works undertaken don’t solve any problems more just heal them slightly, A lot of money has been spent and inside little substantial works is evident, There’s now no way to pass shaft No.2 due to the aggregate and no safe way to pass Shaft No.3 due to the steel cages, Yes you can climb round but from a H&S / Contractor point of view they wouldn’t allow access based upon no safe emergency access route.

Agreed. The work has only really scratched the surface of the tunnel. Created safe (ish) access, and shored up the shafts (for the time being). Indeed the work may have served to exacerbate the ongoing liability by making access more difficult and making the flooding problem worse. None of this is great when the structure runs beneath a built-up area.

The QTS do seem to make a decent case for why it is better to properly repair this tunnel and derive some beneficial use out of it, but as ever no one seems to want to make a decision. They don’t seem to have achieved a massive amount of benefit from the money spent thusfar.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
great report and brill pics as always , really hope that the tunnel can be preserved they have chucked some money at it seams silly not to finish what they have started , enjoyed this one :thumb

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Agreed. The work has only really scratched the surface of the tunnel. Created safe (ish) access, and shored up the shafts (for the time being). Indeed the work may have served to exacerbate the ongoing liability by making access more difficult and making the flooding problem worse. None of this is great when the structure runs beneath a built-up area.

The QTS do seem to make a decent case for why it is better to properly repair this tunnel and derive some beneficial use out of it, but as ever no one seems to want to make a decision. They don’t seem to have achieved a massive amount of benefit from the money spent thusfar.
It would make a fantastic walk / cycle route for sure and I’m sure would bring in additional tourists to a degree, As you say a long long way to go before joe public will be wandering through….

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
great report and brill pics as always , really hope that the tunnel can be preserved they have chucked some money at it seams silly not to finish what they have started , enjoyed this one :thumb
Thanks Jezzyboo, Popular one this! Certainly one to watch over the coming months / years to see what the future will bring.


Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
Sad to see, the cage repair method for shaft 2 (and now 3) means that they abandoned the idea of keeping open for cycle/pedestrians back in 2019 or earlier. Once it is blocked, what's the point of any further repair :( beyond stabilise and infill
Greatly enjoyed your report

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sad to see, the cage repair method for shaft 2 (and now 3) means that they abandoned the idea of keeping open for cycle/pedestrians back in 2019 or earlier. Once it is blocked, what's the point of any further repair :( beyond stabilise and infill
Greatly enjoyed your report
Thanks CantClimbTom, One to watch for future developments.

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