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Report - - Sand Swan dredger (Liverpool, Aug, 2018) | Other Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Sand Swan dredger (Liverpool, Aug, 2018)

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grey since Nov 6, 2018
28DL Full Member
Not bad at all. Been a while since I explored a boat...
Telephone looks like it's from the 30's not the 70's!
they still had magnetos in the 70s and to this day even. the advantage being that if the power is out you can still make the call


28DL Member
28DL Member
My father was Engineer on the Sand Swan in the mid seventies. He told me of a story where he rigged up a remote to the helm and he, the Captain and the Mate would sit at a Martini table on deck, drinking beer whilst cruising up and down the coast.;)

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