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Information - St Peter's Hospital, Chertsey

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Beauty isn’t always perfection
28DL Full Member
A group of 20 of us are heading there on Saturday. Gonna urbex the shit out of the place. Anyone up for coming along? Should be there about 1pm. Bring smoke grenades and anonymous masks for epic selfies innit!
Lmaoooo best post I’ve seen


Beauty isn’t always perfection
28DL Full Member
Because Surrey police have nothing better to do than run facial recognition and cross reference on database for everyone seen there! Jog on numpty


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Warning note - Currently we have a Contractor on site that is dealing with live services, many remain open and live, so it is in your best interest to stay away and not risk yours or anyone else's health.

I should find a new Contractor. the one you're using is is in contravention of Health and Safety Legislation
Anyone leaving any live services unguarded and a danger to anyone, whether it be trespasser or anyone working on site could be procecuted whether or not an incident occours.
Post screenshot taken as evidence CALA Homes were aware of the issue.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went to play with the "Armadillos" this week. Most of them don't seem to do anything, but 2 have a nice chat in an Iain Paisley accent :-)


Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
I’ve always thought they would make a lovely extravagant ashtray! :D

At first I thought they were ashtrays lol, chipped out before entering, Oooo Im quaking, Surreys most wanted! They having a laugh, whats the tag line, Wanted for taken photos. There are different kind of trespass, and Im damn sure photography with intent wouldnt get past CPS lol


28DL Regular User
Regular User
At first I thought they were ashtrays lol, chipped out before entering, Oooo Im quaking, Surreys most wanted! They having a laugh, whats the tag line, Wanted for taken photos. There are different kind of trespass, and Im damn sure photography with intent wouldnt get past CPS lol
I think they are just age of stupid arse covering devices for the developers. “Well we did try to secure the place!”


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Best security will always be well secured buildings with on-site security. Luckily that isn't encountered very often and majority of anti-urbexer nonsense can be dealt with my magic roll-o-carpet, not carpeted an armadillo yet but see potential...

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