Had a busy day today 
I was waiting for work next to the dam and looking on OS maps when I noticed a little off-shoot at the base of the dam, I got the camera and torches out and headed down to have a nosey.
The first report I can see is from Bigjobs
The end is just around that corner but it's a bit tight and my tripod just wouldn't balance so the pic I got was just a blur 
If you're in the area it's well worth a look

I was waiting for work next to the dam and looking on OS maps when I noticed a little off-shoot at the base of the dam, I got the camera and torches out and headed down to have a nosey.
The first report I can see is from Bigjobs
The name Carr Mill traditionally came from the Norse word 'Carr' meaning marsh or fen. The dam is shown on the 17th century Yates map. A corn mill was operating there in the 19th century as it is visible on the first Ordnance survey map of the area, the dam having been doubled in size. There is no record of anyone named Carr having a mill there. The Land belonged to the Gerard family and a lease exists detailing the permissions and extent of use (St. Helens Archives). The dam was further enlarged by the London and North Western Railway during development of the railway system and cast iron marker posts are still visible at two points around the dam.
If you're in the area it's well worth a look