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Question - What was your "just missed it" moment?

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Explore With Alex

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Do you have anymore photos of this place before it was cleared?



Few photos I have most of inside the workshop are rubbish as were taken on my brothers iphone 6 but yea was an amazing place dont mind my brother in the crane πŸ˜‚


Regular User
Turned up to Cardington Hangers a few weeks before they were repurposed, only to have security stop right next to us getting out the car and shift us along lol.

Grew up within a stones through of Brookwood asylum, remember it getting demolished as a teen but never ventured in


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Never got up Five ways tower and saw the view of Birmingham, was looking to get up for months and just never had the time to go.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Too many to list for me. although Iv been exploring a long time, I spent the first 4 or 5 years very naive exploring on my own so only really doing shitty RAF stuff & the like.
Just the way it is though, people will always say "that place was the best" but in reality there is stuff being demoed everyday that I will prob think damn wish Id gone there.

your generation will have a whole load of different stuff than we did to explore, sure development seems to be quicker than abandonment these days so there is getting les & less but with turbulent financial times no where is immune, there may be some massive company's or infrastructure closing in the future, who knows!


Proud Welsh
28DL Full Member
The Swansea Met Uni, couldve been my best explore but a bit late on it, now all active construction and its been cleared out so no point to go


T-Rex Urbex
28DL Full Member
Cane Hill, I saw it half demolished from outside the fence but did see the pool changing rooms. Had I been exploring 18 months longer I'd probably have seen it all.

Turned up to a mill I'd been wanting to see for a while in the north somewhere to find it had been totally destroyed in a fire a week or so prior.
Same here, only the pool rooms

annoyingly I only lived down the road a year or so before and never knew what it was, could see the water tower from my old flat. I kick myself sometimes

Exploring With Pride 🌈

Exploring with pride in more ways than one
28DL Full Member
My one was the Manor House with the fire trucks as we approached we saw a bloke boarding up the windows πŸ˜‚ And it abit far to go back unless we are in the area


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Too many to list, but the one that I still kick myself about to this day was Ogden's Tobacco Factory in Liverpool. Got in a few times but got caught before I had chance to take any real photos.

Me, @Lavino and a few others had a pop at it in 2015, got in and were ended up getting hunted down by the people playing Airsoft, the only time I've been held at gunpoint by secca:rofl

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