If your from Kidderminster, Then you've probably heard of the abandoned middle school at the top of Sion Hill, or "Mush Mountain" as my girlfriend likes to call it. This place is used quite often by the Airsoft group "First & Only". Me and Cam thankfully went on a day that they weren't there, as i didn't really feel like getting shot with a BB gun.
I'm not too sure when this place closed however it cant have been too long as i know people in there 40's (family friends) that went here. The place is in pretty good condition except some fire damage on the ground floor, but even that isn't too bad. The place has been cleaned up a lot due to there being Airsoft games in there, which was a shame, i like to see a place when its falling apart.
From the outside it looks like your typical school, but its actually quite a nice building, as far as schools go. There is currently plans to redevelop the site, probably into more houses. I personally think it will be a shame to see this place go.
I love this photo that I took from in the long grass of the now very overgrown sports field.
And here's me, Jake, Trying to look hard with those skinny arms and noodle legs

The next "few" Blogs aren't going to have that many photos on either as i mainly focus on filming, however in my more recent explores I do try and take more photos, but its hard to take photos and film at the same time, I could really do with a Photographer in my group...
Thanks for Reading, Stay safe explorers
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Jake Alan Craig