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Urban Exploring Videos

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Video - Cave Clan - Underground Artists

Episode 1:

Episode 2;

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

@Doug brought these up in another thread, and as they're Aussie-watchable only I ripped them. EDIT: Someone else put them on youtube so links swapped for those.

"For three decades 'Dougo' has chronicled the Cave Clan's activities in a DIY publishing empire that spans audio recordings, video diaries, photographs and a zine he has published for 30 years and almost 100 editions."
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Video - HMP Shrewsbury

Evening All!

Yesterday I made my way to HMP Shrewsbury, a former men and women prison of which closed in early 2013. The place was once abandoned but was purchased by a company who now allows the public to visit. You can pay £15 to take yourself around the whole prison without time limits.

I went on Thursday afternoon and had the whole place to myself. It's definitely worth the visit!

Video - Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory: Summer 2016

Since the spring I have been working on videos. I wanted to make something different to the usual shaky gopro stuff and waffle. Well this took a slight diversion to timelapse. I am currently working on a number of short films not all exploring related. A few of you may of seen my trailer on FB.
This is just made with a timelapse function on the camera and quite basic pretty much a sped up video.

Most of us know the history here. Lots of radio telescopes on a train track and some other bits spread about. Its an awesome place and been out of use for some time.

I hope you enjoyed, there is much better to come.
Check out my original report on here I posted a while ago to see a few pics. MRAO

Video - Longcross Manor/Barrow Hills "Call The Midwife" Set - Surrey - December 2016

Good Afternoon,

I done a report on this place a couple of years ago and after a few people got caught and arrested it was never done again! I've been back a few times since and this time I took my drone. Sorry about the quality, the fog was extremely bad. I was hoping to get the film set on the other part of the site but the fog made it near impossible to fly it safely. Hope you like!

Video - Cave Clan Prank Radio Station 1990

Not the UK, but will hopefully be a laugh to drain explorers. Please move if needed.

Back when you were allowed to be a silly urbex drain explorer.

The first call is old school Clan member Wes using the name of founding Clan member Woody.
If you have it loud enough you can hear Wes still rambling on even though she has muted him.
You may find it hard to believe, but Charley's call is legit
It still makes me laugh. "I go fishing in the dams... in my boat!"

Video - Exploring Buxton Train Maintenance Sheds '16

This weekends mission included Buxtons old Train Maintenance Depot, this place was really fucking cool. Located right next to Buxton train station. There was even a old carriage in there along with some old lines and loads more cool things.
I'm not 100% on the actually history but it basically was to service and repair trains i guess.

Check the video to see this place....
Please leave a like if you enjoyed it. :)

Video - Abandoned house (found Classic mobile phone and Pepsi fridge.

Hi all, my latest explore was a small house on the out skirts of carlisle.
very quite place, with a collapsed roof, but still got some great footage.

I found a classic Ericsson mobile phone and o2 simcard, along with a Pepsi frige and other items.

Video - AWESOME Underground tunnels exploration in vienna!

Whats up people,

i guess i am going to post this video one last time in this forum. A friend of mine and me decided to explore the construction site of some new subway tunnels in vienna (Austria). It was a blast and we made a little video for you guys. I hope you like it. The link is below. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Video - Awesome Crane Climb at Sunrise!

Hallo guys, we recently climbed a pretty high crane in our home country austria. It was pretty foggy but the footage and the view was still cool. Hope you like the video :)

Video - London Wall Place - August 2016

Been away in the US the majority of the summer but I just got back 3 days ago, so back to business! Hit this one up with @RockyPls in the am and it was quite rewarding. I hate writing reports so on to the over edited photos.

Sunrise from the beams (rocky in the picture)

Top of luffing jib (rocky at the bottom)

His first time up a jib

And last pic of him in front of barbican

I tend to love people pics way more than when nobody is pictured, so that's mainly what I post.

I figured climbing over a wall wasn't baiting out the entrance. This site has been up for quite a while so definitely hit it soon!
