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Urban Exploring Videos

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Video - Sough dike brook culvert(The Breech)

Sough dike brook culvert(The Breech)

Video - Abandoned houses - November 2019

Hello Soldiers!

We did not find any history as this is a private house in the middle of nowhere

The visit
On the way to Oakhurst house we found an abandoned house, didn't hesitate much to take a look, we approached it to find the entrance and that was a window. in the inside you will find various household items as well as a few attempts to draw a pentagram and swastika, I know I know it's hard to be a nazi. The house is located around 100 meters south from Oakhurst house.

Video - Langdon Hole (DUMPY B) - Dover - October 2019

Hello lads.

Now, I will warn you, whilst I don't act reckless, my editing style in this video may not cater to the tastes of some. I do plan to change the format of my videos over the course of this year, since I myself don't want to over-edit my videos too much and don't want to end up like... You know who.

I found Langdon Hole after my absolutely humiliating failure in summer. It took a lot of convincing my mates to go again, but as the video shows, it worked out for me in the end.
It took me quite some time to put this video together. I have tried my best to make this video as informative as I can with what I know about this bunker, as long as you can bear the comedic side, although I can understand if it doesn't quite match your tastes.

I have been attempting to write a regular report on Langdon Hole myself, but some of the photo file sizes I have are way too big to get past the site size limit.

- Rainey

Video - abandoned northern part to victoria tunnel in newcastle


Video - roberts battery underground ww1 battery


Video - Discovering Ladders and Massive Stopes, Smallcleugh

In this one, we find areas of Smallcleugh we've never seen before, including a vast stope and a few sets of ladders, including one that is heavily calcified.
Facebook group : UK Abandoned Mine Explores | Facebook

Smallcleugh Mine started in around 1770, looking for the continuation of Hanginshaw's West of Nent Vein, but this was soon abandoned. In 1787 the work was restarted by an agent for the London Lead Company along the Smallcleugh Cross Vein which produced an immense quantity of ore. There where also many other rich veins worked from Smallcleugh - Middlecleugh (and 1st and 2nd Sun Veins), Longcleugh, and Great Cross. The mine over the years was also worked by the Nenthead and Tynedale Lead and Zinc Company and Vieille Montagne Zinc Company. Most of the operations in Smallcleugh had come to an end around the 1900's. In 1963 the mine was briefly reopened in pursuit of new ore reserves, but little large scale mining took place.

Video - Templar Cave !!

My wife has been wanting to go for ages


Video - Rednal Station Dec19

As its only 20 mins from me, It's rude not to have a look.

Video - Hotspur Press. Manchester.

This was back a few months ago, totally forgot I hadn't done a report on it

Video - Abandoned Buildings Wilstead

These properties have been reported before but i thought i would update the
Bedfordshire members on its conditions. All three Properties are now boarded up, have on site live in Guardians, G4S response Unit and a couple Dozen infrared CCTV Cams. the surrounding area is double fenced so if you are willing to risk all of the above then i suggest checking the place out yourself before it is demolished ( scheduled very soon )

the first couple mins of the vids is just cycling if that doesnt apppeal then please feel free to skip to around 3 mins in

one of the buildings is 130 years old and the other is 2 semi detached houses. i couldnt get onto the site but there is also a workshop there made of concrete. its definately a night explore

thanks for reading more to come soon