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Report - Springs Hotel, Oxfordshire


Leave Only Footprints
28DL Full Member
Yes scarlett, due to our squatters and homeless rights, trespass on its own isnt a crime, security gripping you to stop you leaving is. If you break stuff there is agrivated trespass but if they can't get ally law they won't get sensible urbexers lol.
That’s just it. I’ve always said. If I can’t find a way in through something already open I won’t even try. It’s not worth it. I’m not gonna be the one responsible for that open door/window. But I will sure as heck will climb through it!


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
And for just that reason when I was there on Sunday I closed about 5 open windows and latched them shut. In that respect it may actually help them when folk like us visit.

I don't know about others thoughts on this but I've slept on it before commenting and I haven't changed my opinion so im gonna voice it,

Who are you, the window police?
What is it, you've had your fun so sod everyone else good or bad?
I can't speak for scarlett but that's certainly not what I was inferring.
I meant i will climb through an open window or walk through an open door but I won't be the one who makes that open window or door, i assumed Scarlett meant the same.
What I didn't mean is I'll walk into somewhere do what I want then be a prick by shutting off all the entry points as I leave so no one else can get in especially on a building where security is being tightened up.
That's a dick move in my opinion, it makes me mad even thinking about what you've done, i suggest you mind your own buisness in future, you're even proud and hoping you've locked 'people like us' out, i dont understand your mentality.


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
I don't know about others thoughts on this but I've slept on it before commenting and I haven't changed my opinion so im gonna voice it,

Who are you, the window police?
What is it, you've had your fun so sod everyone else good or bad?
I can't speak for scarlett but that's certainly not what I was inferring.
I meant i will climb through an open window or walk through an open door but I won't be the one who makes that open window or door, i assumed Scarlett meant the same.
What I didn't mean is I'll walk into somewhere do what I want then be a prick by shutting off all the entry points as I leave so no one else can get in especially on a building where security is being tightened up.
That's a dick move in my opinion, it makes me mad even thinking about what you've done, i suggest you mind your own buisness in future, you're even proud and hoping you've locked 'people like us' out, i dont understand your mentality.

I am all for you voicing your opinion chap, certainly I won't tell you to mind your own business nor will I resort to childish names but yes, I am proud of my actions.

I did not (I am sure you will conceed) say that I had shut off all entry points. In fact, the entry point that I was tipped off to and which was clearly well used upon my arrival remained very much open when I left. All I have done is closed some of the more obvious points. If that bothers you then I am afraid that is very much your issue. Were any genuine explorer to ask me how I got in I would tell them but to me this action is akin to blanking a goon who simply asks how to gain entry or where something is. As for the 'people like us' comment, I believe that you have mistaken my meaning. Are we or are we not supposed to be a community of like-minded individuals with a common hobby? I will put it this way, if you are a 12 year oId with a box of matches then yes I want to keep you out and if my actions yesterday will help do that I shall not lose any sleep.

I won't infer support from others where it is not obvious but have a look, it seems that not everyone shares your point of view on the matter.
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Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I did say it was only my opnon and it did cross my mind that it would be one of those things only the people that disagreed would reply to, I do however admit I'm not happy with how I worded my post and after getting it out my system I'm not so sure I might have even said anything not alone worded it that way.
It doesn't change my opinion however that I think any entry points available should be left for security or the owners to find and block off.
I always assume by the mention of the tubers on this site it refers to the gangs of people going onmasse to these places and often wrecking the joints or being the cause of others finding and doing the same. It's my opinion that those sorts of people are getting in anyway whether legit or not, certainly vandals aren't looking for easy damage free entry points.

If we are all playing by the rules (urbex rules) we are all going into these places through already made openings, someone somewhere has done that, if we all played by the rules (lawfully) every place would technically be unxplorable because no one previously would have made an entry point. I'm pretty certain you've walked or climbed into a place that's been left open.

We are not all of the same level in exploring, some might be bad at finding places but good at getting in, others may be great at finding places but bad at getting in. I know some of you are ninjas and are great at everything but some are not and in the journey to get to that level I'm personally really happy to get somewhere to find someone has left a door or window open so I can get in out of sight a lot quicker.

I do of course concede in this instance is that if what the new owners have said is true they should have gone round the windows and locked them all anyway so all this is a mute point, what it does mean in my opinion though is that the next ones in will be breaking in and such people inturn won't have any issues in smashing the place up.

I'm not wanting to fall out I was just voicing my opinion but I admit I could have worded it in a nicer way.
As a question for discussion, Is it then wrong to unlock a window on your exit or to leave the make shift ladder up against the gap in the wall? I admit I always leave any items I've used to help me climb into somewhere in situ for the next person and if I've had a real problem getting in I'll happily leave through a window or somthing and leave it unlocked afterwards thus technically making a future entry point.
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Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Yea, sorry I misquoted your 'when folk like us visit' my bad.
I'm also sorry for any offence caused if you thought I called you childish names, i can't find where I did but appolagies again, I'm no kid and should know better.


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
Yea, sorry I misquoted your 'when folk like us visit' my bad.
I'm also sorry for any offence caused if you thought I called you childish names, i can't find where I did but appolagies again, I'm no kid and should know better.

No offence or upset here my friend and to be fair you rasie some interesting points there.

I guess it comes down to the fact that we each do this a little differently, which I suppose is no big surprise. I will confess that this isn't the first time I have shut a window or similar but I have only done it at more intact locations and never a main point of ingress. Additionally, if I have to move anything to gain entry (i.e. a chair to a window, or similar) I will always put it back to the way I find it prior to leaving. If we were all that same it would be boring, right?

It is probably also worth noting that the door I used to enter the building was still open about 20 minutes ago, so the new owners (If indeed that is a genuine claim) are clearly not exactly on the ball.

Chris C

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

Documents I obtained when writing a book about Deep Purple. HEC = Purple's management company; DPO = Deep Purple Overseas. Zoe Dean was Ian Gillan's girlfriend.


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
I think you may have bumped into me last weekend? The place was absolutely teaming with people who were mostly caught. Me and a mate managed to get our unseen but got busted upon exit.

My non explorer friend wrecked his jeans getting in, there were literally hoards of people all making an absolute din. No wonder they got caught.
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