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Question - 16th century Tunnels underneath Winchester-Hampshire?

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I can state there isn't any tunnels under the Guildhall as I was involved in the works 15 odd years ago and discovered nothing, we had some pretty intense surveys carried out and could see the foundations of the Abbey which occupied the land previously. Also, that area towards the bottom of the high street is covered with small streams coming off the main river which became apparent when we found old Roman drainage systems under the old fire station. We did however find a secret room in Abbey House, the Mayoral residence next door to the current Guildhall which was pretty cool.

What you have to remember is that Winchester and in particular the High Street/Broadwalk areas have a high water table and peaty soil it isn't the most ideal place to tunnel, that said, certainly around the Castle and the Great Hall I could believe there are some underground areas due to the level of the current developments in the area.

Urbex with Archie

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Someone told me about these tunnels about 20 years ago. I've searched online for info ever since and this is the first mention I've ever seen of them!

I'd heard they were for goods to be safely brought in and out (or maybe just across) of the city.

In terms of entrances, or traces of them. The great hall is certainly one.

There's what looks to be a very large tunnel entrance in a garden next door to the Mucky Duck pub. On the corner of Hyde Street and North Walls.

Also, could this be a trace of the tunnels under what was Cafe Monde?

I would like to help if there is ever an attempt to find out more about the tunnels or to map them or even venture inside.
Hello! I have grown up in Winchester and always been fascinated by the idea of the tunnels. Could you provide me more info on the supposed enterance in this North Walls garden? Would be interested to check it out. I've had a peer over the wall but can't see anything jumping out at me?

Urbex with Archie

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yes, like I stated "very limited access today" although I "think" you will find that the tunnel system does still exist but is not accessible. I did not know the underground cavities are now a soakaway ! - probably why there is no longer any access :-(
As for the Chesil Street railway tunnel, still being used by W.C.C. for storage then :-)
The other tunnel system underneath the city of Winchester unrelated to the air raid shelters ( plural ) and the railway tunnel I find very interesting, more mysterious and less known about. Not sure exactly how many entrances there were, or still are today but as I stated before, the labyrinth to the best of my knowledge is not accessible, and has not been for many years. There used to be a number of entry points via cellars and basements, allegedly one was in the basement of a certain building near the buttercross. There used to be a relatively well known ( by locals ) accessible entry point away from the city centre in a more quiet area towards the outskirts of Winchester, but this was decades ago. I suppose it may just possibly still prove to be a way in, but finding the exact location could now be a challenge.
Could you provide me anymore info on this city outskirts enterance please? This sounds the most viable option so far - granted it's located and not flooded etc then I presume it'd likely be blocked partway along but certainly worth a peak if in existence 🤗

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