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Report - - Brantham BX Plastics Factory. Essex/Suffolk Border. September 2020. | Industrial Sites |

Report - Brantham BX Plastics Factory. Essex/Suffolk Border. September 2020.

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My first report, feedback is welcome of course.

The Brantham Factories have somewhat of a legendary status in the area, very popular for exploring even as a one off.

The factories were built in 1887 and were abandoned in 2007. The company named "BX Plastics" manufactured, you guessed it, plastics. The factory shut down after the company gained a bad reputation, someone was using a comb using the plastic manufactured in the factory and it burned their house down, although the manufacturing method was changed later on to stop the issue happening again, it was too late for BX Plastics.

The land was going to be used as a railway depot for Greater Anglia but this was cancelled after an inspection of the land revealed that the ground was contaminated from the factory.

Unfortunately, most of the factory has been demolished. It used to extend all the way out, even to the other side of the railway line. The land has been purchased by a housing company and the factories are soon to be demolished sadly. I'll be sad to see it go.

It was a good explore, there's still plenty of machinery in place, which I find very interesting indeed. The below images are only from my phone because I didn't bring my camera with me, foolish I know. I've only been doing urbex for a few months but it was this that started it all :)

The photos aren't the best, it was my first explore and I wasn't really prepared. Basically I had no idea what I was doing. Any advice/guidance is obviously greatly appreciated. I've done a couple of explores since this one, I took my camera to them so I was able to get much better quality images. I will make a report on them later if I remember.








I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
No photos from inside the actual factory?

This part was ICI Imagedata, BX was next door. The companies have a long and confusing intertwined history.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Welcome to 28dl. Your 1st post is good, but as said above, would be very good with some internal factory images. :thumb

You done quite well on history & personal growth. I do wonder how on earth a comb made a house burn down? answers really welcome. Im truly intrigued.


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Haven't seen this place in a while. Last went about 2018, are the insides still intact?


O high
Staff member
Welcome along! Shame it's not what it once was but fair play for getting out and writing up a report - that's what we like to see. Keep it up :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Welcome to 28dl. Your 1st post is good, but as said above, would be very good with some internal factory images. :thumb

You done quite well on history & personal growth. I do wonder how on earth a comb made a house burn down? answers really welcome. Im truly intrigued.
I'm not too sure in all honesty, that was just what I heard from when I was at school a few years ago. It was definitely a popular explore.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
If the comb was moulded from cellulose nitrate then it could ignite easily as its a very flammable material (A derivative of cellulose acetate butyrate - What table tennis balls are made from)

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
If the comb was moulded from cellulose nitrate then it could ignite easily as its a very flammable material (A derivative of cellulose acetate butyrate - What table tennis balls are made from)
Oh wow, thats interesting, who of thought a comb could be so flammable. Cheers @trikey

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