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Report - - Browns Folly Mine AKA FDQ - Wiltshire, September 2020 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Browns Folly Mine AKA FDQ - Wiltshire, September 2020

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28DL Full Member
Soo.... we done a small bit of Browns Folly mine that also known as FDQ. Not gonna lie was shocked how open access this mines are
I explored with @WilsonTheHuman and 2 nonmembers.
Due to running out to time and long drive home - Only explored a very small amount of the mine but I am going back in Oct to explore the rest of them and another set in the area

This site has been done to death so some basic info :)

Browns Folly Mine is an average sized Bath Stone quarry which was originally part of Monkton Farleigh Monkton however when the War Department converted part of the quarry in to an ammunitions store they separated part of the quarry which is the area now known as Browns Folly











Staff member
Thanks for sharing, I'm sure you will be back at some point as plenty more to see down there :thumb

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Not in the slightest but, that being said, if you're not used to navigating underground and dont have a copy of the survey you will struggle.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not in the slightest but, that being said, if you're not used to navigating underground and dont have a copy of the survey you will struggle.
Ahhh I see, thought I’d better ask the question before charging down there ;)
That’s my next question, where can I get a survey from these days?
I’ve got plenty of underground navigating experience, wouldn’t dream of going in without a map haha.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Tricky. You can still get them from the SMCC but I think you now need BCA insurance before they'll sell you a copy.

If you're in the underground scene though you should be able to track down a copy fairly easily.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Tricky. You can still get them from the SMCC but I think you now need BCA insurance before they'll sell you a copy.

If you're in the underground scene though you should be able to track down a copy fairly easily.

thank you , I will make a few enquiries to SMCC about them hopefully they can help me.

I wish it was still that simple I’ve not been in the underground scene for a fair few years now so went my separate ways from any good source I had back in the day :(

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