Have a read of these threads to let you know how things work around here and to give you an idea of how to start.
28 Days Later Survival Guide for Newbies. Congratulations! You have stumbled across the wonderful hobby of Urban Exploring and have found yourself standing at the gates of the biggest UK Exploring Forum wondering how to procede. This is quite long but if you are serious about this and want to...
28DL Report Posting Guide 1.) Getting Started Click on the 'Post Thread' button towards the top right of the window. 2.) Title and Thread Type Give it a title and select the thread type from the drop down menu. You have basic formatting tools at your disposal to align and change fonts...
If you have any questions afterwards just ask.
As is explained in the above threads; asking for locations in your first post does not go down very well and it is customary to post a hello thread in the newbies area first.
Once you have a few reports up and have settled in a bit then you will find people are a lot more likely to share info with you.
Get a few reports up and I'll happily take you in and show you around.