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Report - - Browns Folly Mine - Wiltshire - January 2020 | Mines and Quarries | Page 2 |

Report - Browns Folly Mine - Wiltshire - January 2020

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Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Nope, you didnt. Brians health has got to the point where he cant move large amounts of stone aorund anymore so about two years ago he waived a little white flag. Darkplaces then went in and sorted out Clapham and since then everyone has mostly been happy and the major vandal attacks have all but petered out. Theres still a bit of graff appearing but its usually direction markers and is cleaned off pretty easily.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nope, you didnt. Brians health has got to the point where he cant move large amounts of stone aorund anymore so about two years ago he waived a little white flag. Darkplaces then went in and sorted out Clapham and since then everyone has mostly been happy and the major vandal attacks have all but petered out. Theres still a bit of graff appearing but its usually direction markers and is cleaned off pretty easily.
Darkplaces didn't clear Clapham, a small group of us did, although some of us are on the dp forum we're not affiliated.
And the last quite large vandalism attack was only at the end of November last year.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Yes I know but for the sake of having to explain it completely I simplified it. As for the vandalism I said 'it had almost petered out'

Anyway, you guys did a fantastic job and we are all very appreciative!
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