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Report - - Car Showroom, Beswick Manchester 0915 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Car Showroom, Beswick Manchester 0915

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Another wish list item ticked off! I tried this place last year with no joy, today I failed at my first choice and decided to go back here. Plan B was a good choice.

It's some kind of car showroom with various offices and workshops, I have no name or history on it as there was nothing left to identify it directly. There was some great graffiti and lot's of noisy disgruntled pigeons, the wind caused some unnerving noise too but I carried on regardless!

Just a derp but the best use of a boring sunday in my view!

Upstairs corridor:


Oops! The real world!




Shop floor:


Ground floor sales offices:


Shop Floor 2:






Shop floor 3:




Escape while you still can!!!



Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
Interesting don't think I have seen this before. Deffo was worth the look thx for report


28DL Member
28DL Member
Thanks for the post. Brilliant photo's. Don't suppose you have the post code for this location (or a nearby landmark)? It would be great to have a look at it this weekend. Thanks in advance. x


Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
Yep postcode is F1RST P0ST And its near a Big house labeled Need access With a shop called joined yesterday. Sorry but seriously one message and its for a postcode. For an unused showroom. Theres loads in manchester and area get some stuff up then see how it goes. Or if its your first time sometimes theres meets etc try getting involed in that anything really. It takes a bit of time but deffo worth it.


Mr Reality Hacker
28DL Full Member
It wasn't really it was just a bit ov fun I couldn't resist. That's why I added the meets etc like what ojay and nick kindly came to recently to meet the new folk lol. And ivy....


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I need to bring back the FAQ's or something

And the Tumbleweed Gif :thumb

Nobody used too read them anyway . But at least you could then say read the FAQSs about access and uploading caustic HDR pics too the Forum :eek:

.....mmmm maybe it's better not having them after all ? (Some will suggest) ;)

Maybe the "something" would be a more workable option :D


"You BOY!
Regular User
I'll work on a something

I can't remember what I saw when I joined but I think rather than just having a link to the "forthcoming FAQ", new members need to see a disclaimer right from the off in big bold letters, ie.
The FAQ can then explain the nitty gritty stuff in more detail.


Staff member
the detail was too much vs common sense, but yeah we were always gonna work on a READ THIS BOLD MUTHA before you post shit.. one day,, we will be on it :rolleyes:


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I can't remember what I saw when I joined but I think rather than just having a link to the "forthcoming FAQ", new members need to see a disclaimer right from the off in big bold letters, ie.
The FAQ can then explain the nitty gritty stuff in more detail.

But it's back too the old thing of what is acceptable processing wise ?
Do we (as a Forum) keep it how it was before ? where it was supposed to be no HDR which then got relaxed and abused and it was then acceptable from some members as long as it wasn't Photomatix style surreal burn your eyes out processing :eek:

Obviously not allowing HDR or bracketed images would severely reduce the amount of traffic on the Forum and especially from certain established members ;)

As for the surreal HDR badly processed crap I don't think that if someone wants to post that kind of stuff, that it would be a major loss too the Forum (those posts always seem to be posted by chavs anyway )

It''d be a lot easier TBH & it'd save the regular contributing members repeatedly commenting WTF? :bangheadOn a daily basis and they could do what most people seem too which is ignore them :D


A Porky Prime Cut
Regular User
But it's back too the old thing of what is acceptable processing wise ?
Do we (as a Forum) keep it how it was before ? where it was supposed to be no HDR which then got relaxed and abused and it was then acceptable from some members as long as it wasn't Photomatix style surreal burn your eyes out processing :eek:

Obviously not allowing HDR or bracketed images would severely reduce the amount of traffic on the Forum and especially from certain established members ;)

As for the surreal HDR badly processed crap I don't think that if someone wants to post that kind of stuff, that it would be a major loss too the Forum (those posts always seem to be posted by chavs anyway )

It''d be a lot easier TBH & it'd save the regular contributing members repeatedly commenting WTF? :bangheadOn a daily basis and they could do what most people seem too which is ignore them :D

^^^Could anyone else be arsed reading all that? ;)