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Report - Car Showroom, Beswick Manchester 0915

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Staff member
I'll be the judge of what is acceptable :p

So far so good, and no issue with what's generally posted unless it's a Crayola special


"You BOY!
Regular User
But it's back too the old thing of what is acceptable processing wise ?
Do we (as a Forum) keep it how it was before ? where it was supposed to be no HDR which then got relaxed and abused and it was then acceptable from some members as long as it wasn't Photomatix style surreal burn your eyes out processing :eek:

Obviously not allowing HDR or bracketed images would severely reduce the amount of traffic on the Forum and especially from certain established members ;)


You're right. I hadn't thought that through, it could turn some a way. Should of meant "no over cooked HDR", then maybe even an example of pic of what we're talking about. I think I might have some early photomatix disasters somewhere.:eek:
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I say (not that it matters) that leave it self policing re processing etc, if it's overcooked then there will soon be enough pisstaking to stop it soon enough!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Regarding location and entry - I have had One instance where someone has told me where to get into a place successfully! I have asked other members I have explored with about sites and never got a reply! Most have been found by looking at the adjacent landscape and making the connection in Google Earth. If the sites are inaccessible - I walk away, wait a while (It could be a week or in the Case of the Curry Factory and Aytoun St - 6 years!) And then go back to see if someone else has opened it up. This report was a year in the making! If someone asks me I look to see if they have many explore posts before deciding to reply. Show me yours and i'll show you mine - so to speak! I initially couldn't join this site because it was still on hold after too much info exchanged had caused too many problems, so I strive to avoid a repeat of that. A couple of years ago I was given inaccurate details on a site and it could have led me into danger, so I follow my own means and instincts. Remember that word 'Instincts!' Following them has saved my arse many times, especially as most of my explores are solo.
As per HDR - it is something to use on an individual image that is already a great shot! If you aren't getting the detail you want then try a longer exposure, light paint with a torch or flash or even better - learn to use your camera better!