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Report - - Castle Camps Radio Mast Cambridgeshire | High Stuff |

Report - Castle Camps Radio Mast Cambridgeshire

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Saw this radio mast and it looked interesting from a distance so my friend and I decided to cycle over to try and climb it. I had never climbed anything before so decided to start with this radio mast as it is in the middle of nowhere, so the chances of being caught are practically zero (Only one car drove past the whole time we were there so it is a pretty safe spot.)
We dumped our bikes in the bushes nearby and found an opening in the chainlink fence big enough to squeeze through. We used some conveniently placed wooden barrell-type things to get over the second fence and after that the first rung was easy to get to. You can get right to the top of the tower and stand on it which was pretty satisfying.


Etah on Fence.jpeg

The mast is around 80-90m high but the views from the top are a bit dull as it is basically fields for miles around, however as a first climb, I would definitely recommend it (not that I have anything to compare it to!). The ladder is not caged however it is slanted for the majority of the sections which makes climbing it a lot easier.

Will on Fence.jpeg

Will on Ladder.jpeg

Dangling feet.jpeg

The view from the top:


First post on here- hope it's alright!

Midnight Odyssey

Smegma Grindset
28DL Full Member
Good stuff man! Shame about the view, agreed, but it's still pretty nice. A great place to practise climbing as it's so remote.

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