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Report - - Central Power Station, Bromborough, Wirral, November 10th 2019 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Central Power Station, Bromborough, Wirral, November 10th 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Some history:
built 1918
it was powering factory's in and around Bromborough.

Did not take pictures of every room or building because it was me first time exploring on me own and there were other people coming and as a 14 year old i was not going to risk having any problems






Yes i only got pictures of the control room but i will be going again when the weather is

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
This is a really safe spot

I'm amazed it's still standing to be honest
It looks to have got better with age, unlike Sal who looks like shit in this picture
Thanks for answering @paulpowers , glad someone else knows safe areas. I always have a worry when youngsters explore alone. And btw who is Sal? lol


28DL Member
28DL Member
its a mad place been in lots of times over the year but be careful as the plant employees will call the police if they spot you, had them waiting at the entrance and heard of a few others having similar experiences, havent been back since

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