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Report - Clarkes Jaguar Graveyard, Sussex, Jan 2018

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Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
I viewed the original pictures on this report and thought "wow they are colourful", now I'm severely colourblind so I figured someone would mention it.

The original edits were a bit much for me to be honest but these are better. The last picture is a cracker too.

This forum is SO much more laid back and the regular members are SO much more approachable for new members than in the past.

I remember a time when we were all real savages.

Wevsky is sound, I doubt very much he was making any sort of comment regarding women not being allowed.

There are many female explorers both on and off this forum and they have always been welcome.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
I viewed the original pictures on this report and thought "wow they are colourful", now I'm severely colourblind so I figured someone would mention it.

The original edits were a bit much for me to be honest but these are better. The last picture is a cracker too.

This forum is SO much more laid back and the regular members are SO much more approachable for new members than in the past.

I remember a time when we were all real savages.

Wevsky is sound, I doubt very much he was making any sort of comment regarding women not being allowed.

There are many female explorers both on and off this forum and they have always been welcome.

Good god no,new mobile phone replaces words and i didnt check,HDR turned into HER..ive met some cracking lady explorers and a lot with much bigger balls than me


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Guilty of joining and reading the FAQ as thoroughly as people read IKEA instruction manuals.
Fair point, that's probably why FAQs got binned a while back.

Some decent shots of some poor old cars there. Shame to see them like that.


"You BOY!
Regular User
Just a quick health warning for anyone using the next generation of OLED TV display. I've just bought a 55" fucker and the HDR really does hurt.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The HDR shots on this thread were removed Saturday evening though! 55" to browse the Internet sounds a bit painful on the eyeballs anyway.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice report Thumper! Seems to be lots of old car graveyard type places popping up lately! The bus is good especially :)

Will Knot

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not bad that girl :thumb Even tho' you may have gone a little high on the definition range with a couple of them ;) lol :D

Taliesin Bourne

28DL Full Member
Oh wait, just called them to be nice and ask if we could take some shots. Some dumb c*nts (she described them as a blonde girl and a guy - I think I know the YouTubers) put footage up and now they are really locking the place down. Sadly she was misguided in her view that vandals and urban explorers were one and the same and now doesn't allow anyone there, even the good guys. However the museum looks cool, will probably make the trip out.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've been a member on here for quite some time Wevsky, stop being so patronising. If you don't like my photographs go and view another thread that pleases you. You are however, welcome to come and view the original photographs on the SD card so you can see that yes, really, only 2 or 3 were OVER processed, I have now replaced them, happy? No, actually don't answer that and please fix your spacebar ;)
I like the photos. Its about exploring and taking photos you like. thanks for sharing


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Oh wait, just called them to be nice and ask if we could take some shots. Some dumb c*nts (she described them as a blonde girl and a guy - I think I know the YouTubers) put footage up and now they are really locking the place down. Sadly she was misguided in her view that vandals and urban explorers were one and the same and now doesn't allow anyone there, even the good guys. However the museum looks cool, will probably make the trip out.

Herein lies the problem. Absolute goons who are about as stealth as a pink bulldozer ramming into places, making an absolute racket, causing damage, being disrespectful and then slapping it all over YouTube giving away the location and generally acting like a total nob. Sorry you lucked out on getting a visit even by doing it the polite way, I went at the cack of dawn in the winter if that's of any use.


Muppet extraordinaire
There are 2, maybe 3 photographs which I have 'over processed' out of a total of 13. I don't think the reaction given is justified, be helpful, be constructive, don't just throw a sarcastic comment in because you feel you have to, definitely don't come back and say you were going to be ruder, that achieves nothing except to put people off posting if that is the response, it certainly hasn't made me feel like spending the day editing photographs to put up 2 reports was worth it. I am going to re-edit the HDR ones that have caused such a stir and leave it there.
People on this site are COMPLETE i have taken issue with their fucking childish cuntisms....and so hardly post a thing on here....FUCK 'EM :]

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