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Report - Cornbrook Manchester - Rebooted, May 2019.

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Staff member
I remember Siolo giving this one the title "Only the penitent man shall pass!" or something similar, Indiana Jones (?) movie reference aside, that bolted together section makes it look very stoopy, fair play to you and any other blokes who are willing to stoop through this lengthy one!

@siologen has always had a way with words, this was actually it "Corn Brook isnt a gleaming example of great British Drainage, its a long tailed runt, left rotten by its presence beneath dying parts of town, lack of repairs, a shallow setting in the ground and multiple additions and changes. Its nickname is 'Penetant' as in, "Only the Penetant Man Shall Pass", bent over mostly."

He sure summed up Gorton well "Typically i ended up in Gorton, a scally housing commission area full of dumped cars n football hooligans" :D


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hahaha, from what I heard, the areas surrounding gorton are not much better? Seems that all the big drains in manchester tend to start or end in the dodgy areas, mind, Bolton is not any better in this regard ;):eek:


more tall than ginger tho.....
Regular User
Looks good mate. Well researched and with super pics this time :thumb Let me know if yer fancy it a third time :D I'll have to make this pilgrimage one day, probably when I've had enough of having a perfectly functioning spine. Yeah I wonder where the flow disappears to where them two partial collapses are. Fuck I'd laugh if another sinkhole appears nearby, something falls in it and UU had done nothing about it despite you recommending they did so


I Go Where The Drains Are
Regular User
Holy fucking Shit Oj.
For starters, i couldnt in my current state of fitness likely redo Cornbrook a third time and in 2005, parts of it were torturous, and that was on top of the two perpetual fears of 'I only have one exit from this and and im getting further and further away from it' and 'Where the fuck am i taking myself if i stoop for a fucking kilometre down this 4ft section and will it be worth it?'

The answer was 'Yeah theres another lid halfway, in the middle of Moss Side... and while it doesnt look it, with that tiny earthen portal, the outfall is traversable' and 'Lots of really unique and cool, if never very long, huge old sections'. By my estimation, it changes shape between 33-36 times!

Saying that however, its still torturous, and fair fucking play for being bothered to take so many great photos, both you n Nickindroy! So many sections id forgotten, especially upstream of the horrible 4fter!
One of the craziest shape changer drains in the world, i had it measured at 3.47 miles (5.6km), its a decent bloody walk.
Well done!
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I Go Where The Drains Are
Regular User
Looks good mate. Well researched and with super pics this time :thumb Let me know if yer fancy it a third time :D I'll have to make this pilgrimage one day, probably when I've had enough of having a perfectly functioning spine. Yeah I wonder where the flow disappears to where them two partial collapses are. Fuck I'd laugh if another sinkhole appears nearby, something falls in it and UU had done nothing about it despite you recommending they did so

Im guessing by your nickname that youre pretty tall. Im 6'3ft and while i enjoyed Corn Brook twice, it was a metaphysical enjoyment hah! Because it was body killingly low and stoopy at times. Fair warning :D
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Staff member
Holy fucking Shit Oj.
For starters, i couldnt in my current state of fitness likely redo Cornbrook a third time and in 2005, parts of it were torturous, and that was on top of the two perpetual fears of 'I only have one exit from this and and im getting further and further away from it' and 'Where the fuck am i taking myself if i stoop for a fucking kilometre down this 4ft section and will it be worth it?'

The answer was 'Yeah theres another lid halfway, in the middle of Moss Side... and while it doesnt look it, with that tiny earthen portal, the outfall is traversable' and 'Lots of really unique and cool, if never very long, huge old sections'. By my estimation, it changes shape between 33-36 times!

Saying that however, its still torturous, and fair fucking play for being bothered to take so many great photos, both you n Nickindroy! So many sections id forgotten, especially upstream of the horrible 4fter!
One of the craziest shape changer drains in the world, i had it measured at 3.47 miles (5.6km), its a decent bloody walk.
Well done!

It's about 5.6km as the crow flies, I've since plotted the entire route both above and below ground and using GPS fixes along the route as well as poking the odd crow out of a manhole.. it's exactly 6.8km from the Ship Canal to infall over in Gorton

Also credit to Geoff Ashworth for some of the snippets I borrowed from his excellent book

I won't be EVER going back down that (he says)....

As for the collapse(s) we do have it worked out and know exactly where the Cornbrook is draining to, just didn't really want to bring it up on the thread for a couple of reasons
I'd say if it's not sorted by winter then someone is gonna have a hole (excuse the pun) heap of trouble on their hands, and a fair bit of civil engineering to sort it :popcorn


Staff member
Looks good mate. Well researched and with super pics this time :thumb Let me know if yer fancy it a third time :D I'll have to make this pilgrimage one day, probably when I've had enough of having a perfectly functioning spine. Yeah I wonder where the flow disappears to where them two partial collapses are. Fuck I'd laugh if another sinkhole appears nearby, something falls in it and UU had done nothing about it despite you recommending they did so

See above, however it's the EA that's responsible for this lot


more tall than ginger tho.....
Regular User
Im guessing by your nickname that youre pretty tall. Im 6'3ft and while i enjoyed Corn Brook twice, it was a metaphyisical enjoyment hah! Because it was body killingly low and stoopy at times. Fair warning :D

Thanks. By that logic I'll 'enjoy' it more then. I was 6"3' once :p

As for the collapse(s) we do have it worked out and know exactly where the Cornbrook is draining too, just didn't really want to bring it up on the thread for a couple of reasons

Lol nice :thumb It'd make my day if UU went and fixed it having read your report. Just so long as they don't replace more brickwork than they need to

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